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Make-up for January 9 Trash/Recycling Collection Begins on Wednesday, January 10
As previously announced, the Streets Division suspended trash and recycling collection on January 9 due to the severe winter storm forecast.
Residents with a Tuesday collection day should instead place their scheduled carts out for pickup on Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30am.
Leave Carts Out Until Emptied
The Streets Division will make every effort to empty all collection carts in the Tuesday area on Wednesday, January 10th, but it may not happen should snowplowing priorities persist or situations cause delays.
If you have a Tuesday collection, and your cart was not emptied on Wednesday January 10, please keep the collection carts out for emptying.
The carts in the Tuesday area that are not emptied on Wednesday, January 10th will be collected Thursday, January 11th.
If you are in the Tuesday area and the cart still isn’t emptied by 3pm on January 11th and it was at the curb on time, please let us know so we can correct the issue as soon as we can.
Cart Placement
Do not place the carts in the street as clean-up from the snowstorm will be ongoing. Use your driveway apron or a cleared spot on the terrace area in front of your home. Carts placed in the street gutter in front of your home act as on obstruction for snowplows.
Additional Information
As a reminder, you can get your 2024 and 2025 collection schedule at www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule so you do not miss your trash and recycling pickups.
If severe weather forces cancellations of these services, the Streets Division always announces these through news releases. You can sign up to receive these releases as well at www.cityofmadison.com/News.
More information about City of Madison winter resources and information can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/Winter.
And more information about all Streets Division services can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/Streets.