Dane County Landfill No. 3 Local Negotiated Agreement Public Hearing
postedDane County Landfill No. 3 Local Negotiated Agreement Committee Meeting | Agenda
Wednesday March 6, 2024
4:00pm | Attend in person or virtually via Zoom
In person location: Alliant Energy Center Expo Hall, Mendota Room 5 (Parking will be available in front of the Expo Hall at no charge)
The Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables is facilitating a public hearing for members of the public to submit written questions, comments, or public testimony regarding the proposed Dane County Landfill No. 3.
The Local Negotiated Agreement stipulates items like: hauling routes, hours of operation, residential property compensation and other operational and design elements. Elected officials, nearby residents, and members of the public are encouraged to attend to provide input on the Agreement. Current copies of the Agreement and recordings of the previous committee meetings are available on Dane County’s Legislative Information Center.
More information about the proposed Dane County Landfil No. 3 aka the Sustainability Campus can be found online at the project webpage: https://landfill.countyofdane.com/projects/WastandRenewableProjects/Sustainability-Campus