Meetings and Updates Week of March 11th

  • City meetings:
    • Finance Committee 3/11
    • Plan Commission 3/11 and special meeting 3/14
    • Transportation Commission 3/13
    • Board of Park Commissioners
  • April 2nd Spring Election Updates
  • Events & Announcements

City Meetings

Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meeting will take place on Monday, March 11, in virtual format at 4:30 p.m. Agenda items include adopting the City of Madison’s required 2024 Annual Action Plan and approving submission of the Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to secure a grant and expanding the Pathways to Recovery Madison and Dane County's Madison Area Addiction Resource Initiative, Addiction Resource Team, and Naloxone Plus programs.

Plan Commission 

The Plan Commission meeting will take place on Monday, March 11, in virtual format at 5:30 p.m. Agenda items include:

  • Amendments to Tax Incremental Financing Districts, including an amendment to TID 42 which covers a small portion of District 3 along Cottage Grove Road between Acewood Boulevard and Stoughton Road. The amendment donates $1.6m to TID 44 to offset construction costs on a City project and has the effect of keeping TID 42 open and available for one additional year to fund local capital improvement projects if any arise. 
  • The agenda also includes a zoning code change that I’m sponsoring related to drive-through windows. Here’s zoning staff’s memo explaining the proposal(opens in a new window). Meaningful changes to drive through rules by this proposal include: 
    • Within the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) overlay district, existing automobile infrastructure that’s out of compliance with zoning code must be brought into code compliance when there are new principal structures or major changes (more than 50%) to existing buildings proposed. Where there is nonconforming automobile infrastructure in the TOD overlay, all new automobile infrastructure must comply and there can be no increase in the nonconformity of existing automobile infrastructure. 
    • In the TOD overlay, changes “under the building” drive-through window requirement to “fully under an occupiable conditioned story.” In the supplemental regulations for drive-through windows, changes “under the building” to “fully under an occupiable conditioned story.” This is a goal of mine because the current TOD code is vague enough that superficial canopies like wood beams (as opposed to occupiable building space) above the drive-through lane technically meet this requirement as currently written in the zoning code per the interpretation of City Zoning staff. 
    • Adds a requirement that all establishments with drive-throughs must also allow pedestrian access to the establishment. New drive-through-only establishments would no longer be allowed; the must also accomodate pedestrians. Pedestrians could be served through a walk-up window or a walk-in service area with minimal changes to a building's plans or layout. 
    • Clarifies how to treat lawful nonconforming site conditions. They may continue in their existing condition. However, no increase in the nonconformity of the site condition is permissible, unless that increase in nonconformity is otherwise allowed within the zoning code. 
  • Finally, the Plan Commission agenda includes development-related requests (none in District 3). Many of these are listed on the agenda with a recommendation of referring to a future meeting of the Plan Commission because apparently postcards weren't sent in time to give notice to nearby residents.

Meeting information:

Transportation Commission 

The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 13, in virtual format at 5:00 p.m. Agenda items include the 2023 Year-end Traffic Safety Report(opens in a new window) and a public hearing at 6pm about Metro Transit’s fare updates and new fare technology being installed later this summer..

Board of Park Commissioners

The Board of Park Commissioners meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 13, in virtual format at 6:30 p.m. Agenda items include an informational presentation by Parks staff of the proposed Park Development Plans for seven neighborhood and mini parks in the Northeast Planning Area including for Mayfair Park(opens in a new window).

Special In-Person Meeting of the Plan Commission

The Plan Commission’s quarterly in-person meeting will take place on Thursday, March 14 in hybrid format at 5:00 p.m. in room 215 of the Madison Municipal Building. Agenda items include an overview and discussion with the Fire Department about Fire Access to buildings based on street width and building/window access heights under the new Complete Green Streets policy, a discussion about potential future changes to the demolition permit approval process, and a progress update and discussion of key issues in the Northeast Area Plan.

April 2nd Spring Election Updates

Remember to make a plan to vote early or on April 2nd!

Events & Announcements

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Alder Derek Field

Alder Derek Field

District 3
Contact Alder Field
