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Mail It Back Monday – Make Sure Your Absentee Counts
The City Clerk’s Office has issued 17,499 absentee ballots for the April 2 Spring Election, with 7,660 returned to be counted.
The Clerk’s Office strongly encourages absentee voters to mail back their absentee ballots today, if possible. By mailing your absentee ballot today, March 25, you give the U.S. Postal Service a week to deliver it.
“I know that voting by mail is a very popular way to make sure your vote counts,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway. “Please make sure you return the ballot in time to be counted before the polls close on election day though.”
Absentee ballots received after Election Day cannot be counted. The postmark does not count. The Clerk’s Office delivers absentee ballots to the polls on Election Day to be counted at each voter’s designated polling place.
In order for an absentee ballot to count, the absentee envelope must be:
- Sealed
- Signed by the voter
- Signed by the voter’s witness
- Bearing the printed name of the witness
- Filled out with the witness’ address
City of Madison absentee voters who have yet to return their ballot have a few options:
- Mail the ballot back to the City Clerk’s Office today.
- Deliver the ballot to any City of Madison in-person absentee voting site during voting hours.
- If wishing to vote in-person, destroy the absentee ballot that was mailed to you.
Under the Voting Rights Act, voters who need help mailing or delivering their ballot due to a disability may get help from a person of their choice. The person providing help may not be the voter's employer, agent of the voter's employer, or officer or agent of the voter's union. Otherwise, voters must mail or deliver their own absentee ballot.
Voters who have returned an absentee ballot to be counted cannot vote at the polls on Election Day without committing a felony.
To track your ballot, visit myvote.wi.gov.
The goal of the City Clerk’s Office is that each eligible voter will be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.