UW Admin and UWPD are Instigating and Escalating the Peaceful Protest on Library Mall
postedHi friends and neighbors,
Some of you may have seen the video on Twitter of myself, Alder MGR Govindarajan, and Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner being physically pushed by State Police, UWPD, and MPD last night at the Fluno Center. Thank you to the many of those that have reached out. My arm still hurts and I'm still very rattled. Overall, I am ok.
For context, I attended the peaceful protest yesterday with several other elected officials with the goal of listening and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. After arriving to the protest last night around 6p, I understood from protestors that there has not been adequate, clear communication from UW administration, UWPD, state police, or MPD with protest organizers. We myself and other electeds, reached out to numerous campus and city leaders about the situation. The only clear information that was given to us was UW admin's discontentment with tents at the protest. Other than that, their response has been largely dismissive and vague, especially when asked about their de-escelation plan. This has left me with the impression that UW admin and UWPD do not have a de-escelation plan.
MGR, Heidi, and I went to the Fluno Center last night with the goal of speaking with the officer in charge to receive clear guidance about UWPD expectations and de-escalation plan. Their physical response to us made their plan abundantly clear. UW Admin and UWPD do not intent to de-escalate to maintain safety. They plan to escalate.
Last night's use of force was completely avoidable on many accounts. If there was clear communication with the officer in charge and protestors, there would not have a reason for us to go to the Fluno Center to seek answers. Even when we were in the Fluno Center and asked by police to leave, the three of us were obviously in the process of leaving before law enforcement took it upon themselves to physically push us out of the door.
Since this situation, I have only spoken with MPD leadership and this is after I made proactive attempts to call them. No one from UWPD responded to my requests to meet. Only one UW administrator has reached out.
The lack of communication and use of force was disgraceful for UW admin and UWPD. Their actions are causing unnecessary confusion and uncertainty, which is increasing the likelihood of an unsafe situation.
My primary goal is (1) safety and (2) protection of first amendment rights.
The protest at the library mall right now is respectful and peaceful. Activities that I have witnessed included praying, teach ins, meditations, and general sharing in community with one another. None of the activities at the protest rises to the occasion of a violent physical response from the police.
Protests in general will have an outlet. The protest and encampment that is currently happening is a far more safe, controlled, and respectful outlet than the many other alternatives. If the primary objective of UW Admin and UWPD is to also ensure safety and protection of first amendment rights, then their plan for this protest must be revisited.
As a City of Madison elected leader, I ask UW Admin and UWPD for three things:
- Regular and clear in-person communication from UW administration and UWPD, specifically the officer in charge, and the organizing body. It is UWPD's responsibility to communicate and over-communicate. Law enforcement should make numerous proactive attempts to engage, even with people that are disinterested in engaging with them. There are numerous protest organizers who have made proactive attempts to have a productive conversation with law enforcement. Law enforcement is responsible for making an adequate, good faith effort to reciprocate this communication.
- The communication from UW administration and UWPD includes information that clearly defines behaviors that are and are not acceptable. UW admin and UWPD has been extremely vague thus far. From what I witnessed, only one UW administrator was present at last nights protest and simply passed around a pamphlet. The pamphlet in essence only shared that it is against UW policy to have tents. It was sorely lacking in defining acceptable behaviors and the consequences of violating these policies.
- Do not escalate the respectful, peaceful protest. I ask that UW admin and UWPD make a list of acceptable and not acceptable behaviors based on what they perceive as necessary to maintain safety. The list of acceptable behaviors should include, praying, meditating, teach ins, and camping. Invoking the anti-homeless policy on not allowing tents on campus property is not a sufficient reason to produce a violent, physical law enforcement response.
I encourage that everyone involved centers safety and rights to free speech. For UW admin and UWPD to maintain safety, then they must open a line of communication and a de-escelation plan.