(Updated) Resolution to uplift student organizers on this evening's Common Council agenda



I'm sending this note just to provide you with a quick update for a resolution on tonights Common Council agenda (#38) to support student organizers on campus. We've received many emails about the resolution and I've also taken several calls. In some of those emails and calls I've noticed that the language being referenced is in the previous version of the resolution and some residents may have not yet read the updated version (substitute). 

You can find both versions below: 

1st version - PREVIOUS TITLE: Reaffirming Support for a Permanent Ceasefire and Supporting Student Protestors 

2nd version - (SUBSTITUTE) UPDATED TITLE: Supporting Student Organizers & Reaffirming Commitment to Peaceful Resolution

Many thanks to Alders Bennett, Rummel and Wehelie for putting forth the resolution as I firmly believe that students rights to assemble and hold a peaceful protest should be upheld and protected.


Alder Madison, district17@cityofmadison.com 


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Alder Sabrina Madison

Alder Sabrina V. Madison

District 17
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