Meet Firefighter/EMT Kyle Von Ruden

Firefighter/EMT Kyle Von Ruden

Where are you stationed? 
Station 7 (McKenna Blvd.) on the 'B' shift

Why did you want to pursue this career?
I wanted a career that would give me the chance to help people in a meaningful way while also being exciting and intellectually stimulating. 

Why did you want to work in Madison, for the Madison Fire Department?
I grew up in Wisconsin, and Madison has been my home for about three years now. I was attracted to MFD because of the opportunity to make a positive impact on my community and strengthen my connection to the city and its residents.

What is something you’ve come to love about Madison or enjoy doing that is uniquely Madison?
I love how Madison offers the amenities and culture of a big city while still providing easy access to the great outdoors and the natural beauty of southern Wisconsin. I also really enjoy the local music scene and all the awesome festivals that take place throughout the year.

What has been your most memorable experience so far as a firefighter/EMT?
My first time driving the ambulance to transport a critical patient to the hospital. My senior firefighter rode with me up front to make sure I knew where I was going and how to operate the rig properly. That was when it sunk in for me that I was a real firefighter/EMT, and the support I received from my senior firefighter during the call is something I’ll always remember.

Looking back at the Fire Academy, what was the most challenging part?
Going home completely exhausted and trying to come up with the time and energy to review the day’s material and prepare for the next exam. Most evenings I was ready for bed by about 6pm, so it definitely wasn’t easy.  

What advice would you give to someone hoping to join the MFD? 
Reach out and schedule some station visits. Before I applied, I was able to visit Station 2 and talk to the crew out there. They offered some really helpful advice about the application process and also helped affirm that a career in the fire service would be a good fit for me.   

This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.

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