Pedestrian Plan Document

Table of Contents

File namePedestrian Plan SectionsFile SizeNumber of PagesDocument Pages
Executive Summary


Mayor's Introduction

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

595 KB23 pages


Mayor's Intro

TOC (2 pages)

i - xix

Chapters 1 & 2

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Importance and Viability of Pedestrian Transportation

52 KB14 pages1 - 14
Chapter 3Chapter 3: Thinking Like A Pedestrian440 KB16 pages15 - 30
Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Making Madison an Even Better Place to Walk: Vision, Goals, Objectives
386 KB6 pages31 - 36
Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Walking in Madison: Issues, Current Conditions & Recommended Actions
791 KB100 pages37 - 136
Chapter 6 & Appendix

Chapter 6: Implementation Priorities and Future Pedestrian Transportation Planning

Appendix 1: Citizen's Guide to Making Madison an Even Better Place to Walk

APPENDIX 2: Pedestrian Plans Reviewed

Appendix 3: Definitions and Abbreviations

Adopting Resolution

89 KB31 pages137 - 157
Adopting Resolution
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