
  • Walking & Biking Engineering Projects – Each year the City undertakes large reconstruction and resurfacing projects that improve walking and biking connections and overall safety.
  • Safe Streets Madison – This program focuses on small to medium sized projects that improve traffic safety and filling gaps in the walking and biking network to ensure Madison streets are accessible for everyone.
  • Bike Parking Program – Parking at your destination is critical to making biking work. Find out how the City supports bike parking throughout the city.
  • Walk and Bike Friendly Designation - Madison is a Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community & Gold Walk Friendly Community

  • Wayfinding – A signing program that helps people find destinations while biking and walking along shared-use paths or on other bicycle routes.
  • Rideshare Program – Explore commuting options and learn about the Emergency Ride Home Program.
  • Metro Transit Rack & Roll Program – Find out what you need to know to include biking as part of your transit trip.
  • Crossing Guard Program – Traffic Engineering’s School Crossing Guard Program is integral in supporting active transportation to and from our elementary schools.
  • Safe Routes to School – A collaborative program to encourage more students to walk and bike to school through a variety of programming efforts including education, encouragement and infrastructure improvements.
  • Safe Bicycling for Children - The City of Madison collaborates with the WI Bike Fed to provide pedestrian and Bicycle safety education to Madison youth.
  • Vision Zero – The City’s initiative to eliminate fatal and serious traffic crashes.
  • Madison BCycle – Find out more about how you can make bikeshare a part of your transportation. Give it a try by checking out a Community Pass from one of Madison’s Public Libraries.


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