Several opportunities for public feedback on DRAFT West, Northeast Area Plans this week

People speak with City staff during a recent open house for the DRAFT version of the West Area Plan

A series of public feedback events will be held for both the DRAFT West Area Plan and DRAFT Northeast Area Plan this week as City staff continues to take feedback.

After holding an in-person open house to answer questions about all seven components of the DRAFT West Area Plan last week, City staff will hold two virtual meetings this week to go more in-depth on two parts of the DRAFT West Area Plan: future land use and transportation.

City staff answers questions from community members at an open house for the DRAFT West Area Plan

Staff working on the Northeast Area Plan, meanwhile, will hold two in-person public review events and two virtual events this week to go over the recommendations made in the DRAFT Northeast Area Plan, which was publicly released last week.

This week’s events include:

  1. DRAFT West Area Plan virtual meeting on land use, zoning and housing Completed

    6:00pm – 7:00pm
    This meeting will start with a presentation providing a brief overview of proposed changes to the DRAFT plan relating to future land use, zoning and housing, followed by a question-and-answer session. Pre-registration is required to attend. If you cannot attend, an archived recording of this meeting will be posted on the West Area Plan’s website, and an in-person option will be held from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at Memorial High School on Monday, June 3.

  2. DRAFT Northeast Area Plan virtual public review meeting Completed

    6:00pm – 7:00pm
    This meeting is offered as the first of two virtual meetings for those unable to attend this week’s in-person meetings covering the recommendations made in the DRAFT Northeast Area Plan and providing community members and stakeholders a chance to provide feedback. Pre-registration is required to attend. If you cannot attend, an archived recording of this meeting will be posted on the Northeast Area Plan’s website and another virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday.

  3. DRAFT Northeast Area Plan virtual public review meeting Completed

    Noon – 1:00pm
    This meeting is offered as the second of two virtual meetings for those unable to attend this week’s in-person meetings covering the recommendations made in the DRAFT Northeast Area Plan and providing community members and stakeholders a chance to provide feedback. Pre-registration is required to attend. This is provided as a second option for those unable to attend the first virtual meeting; there is no need to attend both.

  4. DRAFT Northeast Area Plan in-person public review at Reindahl Park Completed

    5:00pm – 8:00pm
    This event allows community members and stakeholders to review recommendations made in the DRAFT Northeast Area Plan and leave feedback for City staff. Stop by at any time; there is no need to stay the entire time.

  5. DRAFT Northeast Area Plan in-person public review at Sycamore Park Completed

    5:00pm – 8:00pm
    This event allows community members and stakeholders to review recommendations made in the DRAFT Northeast Area Plan and leave feedback for City staff. Stop by at any time; there is no need to stay the entire time. This will have the same content as the May 29 meeting and is provided as a second option for those who cannot attend that meeting; there is no need for community members to attend both.

  6. DRAFT West Area Plan virtual meeting on transportation and the Sauk Creek Greenway Completed

    6:00pm – 7:00pm
    This meeting will start with a presentation providing a brief overview of proposed changes to the DRAFT plan relating to transportation and the Sauk Creek Greenway, followed by a question-and-answer session. Pre-registration is required to attend. If you cannot attend, an archived recording of this meeting will be posted on the West Area Plan’s website, and in-person option will be held from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at High Point Church on Thursday, June 6.

As has been the case with all of the previous meetings, all meeting materials will be posted publicly on the respective project pages for the West Area Plan and the Northeast Area Plan. The best way to get the latest updates on both plans is to sign up for their e-mail newsletters, which you can also find on the respective project pages.

City staff will take the feedback they receive at these public meetings and evaluate additional changes to the DRAFT plans before submitting them for review by City boards, committees and commissions. Each of those bodies will then provide recommendations to the Common Council, which will have the final say in adopting the plans.

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