Madison and Dane County Officials Raise Progress Pride Flag
Flags are important. We fly them to show who we are and what we value. Today, Madison and Dane County officials raised the Progress Pride Flag over the City County Building to celebrate Pride Month and to proudly declare that our community stands in solidarity with its LGBTQ+ residents.
“Madison was one of the first communities in the country to codify protections for LGBTQ+ residents into law. Pride Month is an opportunity to honor that history and to celebrate the diversity of our community,” said Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. “But there is still work to be done. The LGBTQ+ community still faces discrimination and bigoted attacks. We must continue to fight for our rights at all levels of government.”
Mayor Rhodes-Conway and Interim Executive Kuhn hoisted the Progress Pride Flag alongside members of the Madison Common Council and Dane County Supervisors.
“Dane County supports our LGBTQIA+ community during Pride Month and throughout the year,” said Interim Executive Jamie Kuhn. “We raise the Pride flag to show that Dane County is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community for all.”
The Common Council and the County Board have both introduced resolutions recognizing June 2024 as Pride Month.

“These events help us remember and honor the work and leadership of Madison’s champions who fought for LGBTQ+ people,” said Madison Alder Derek Field. “Let’s not allow ourselves to become complacent in the face of today’s threats to progress and to our hard-fought rights.”
Supervisor Chuck Erickson said raising the Pride Flag has been a long-standing tradition in our city and county.
“Our community has been moving toward acceptance for many years and I’m proud to have been a leader in that change. Yet, this is still a time of jeopardy. Nationwide attacks on gay rights are on the rise. We are not doing enough for gay, trans and intersex kids, and we're not doing enough to take care of the aging gay population,” said Supervisor Erickson. “Let's both celebrate our accomplishments and use that energy to work toward an even more equitable future.”
Supervisor Rick Rose asked that we imagine a sky of rainbow flags snapping in the wind from the Wisconsin State Capitol to the City County Building and across all 50 states as well as countless countries.
“That’s the energy of Pride Month! Raising the queer flag is like throwing glitter to the wind in the best way possible. It's a dazzling display of defiance, joy, and unity for LGBTQI+ people and their allies everywhere,” said Supervisor Rose. “It's a reminder that we exist, we're proud, and we won't be silenced.”