Holiday Schedules
The Streets Division does not provide curbside collections or operate the drop-off sites on City holidays. Offices are also closed.
Those holidays are:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King Jr.. Holiday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth (June 19)
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- The Friday after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Eve
Curbside Collection and Holidays
Your collection calendar will tell you when to put out the collection carts.
Holidays are included on that calendar.
Here's how it works most, but not all, of the time: If the holiday falls on your collection day, then we will be by your home the next work day.
The only residents that will have their trash and recycling collection delayed for holidays are those whose regularly scheduled day would fall on the holiday.
Curbside Collection and Double Holidays
There are three holidays where the city will be closed on back-to-back days. These are
- Thanksgiving & the Friday after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
- New Years Eve & New Years Day
Here's how this will work with your trash and recycling pickup. If your pickup falls on the first holiday, that scheduled collection will move a day earlier. If your pickup falls on the second holiday, it will pushed to the next work day after the break. Got it?
Seriously, you should just get your own copy of the collection calendar for your home. The calendar will show you when to put the carts out. Your neighbors may be confused about this, too. If you just put your carts out when they do, you might get it wrong.
Example of How the Double Holiday Works - Thanksgiving
- If you have a scheduled Thursday pickup day, put the scheduled cart (or carts) out on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
- If you have a scheduled Friday pickup day, put the schedule cart (or carts) out on the following Monday.
Sign Up for Collection Updates
The Streets Division has a collection update email list. You can sign up to receive an email each time the collection schedule changes. The sign-up is available in the sidebar of this page.