Incense Placed on Cardboard Sparks Fire In Downtown Apartment

  • Location

    600 block W. Washington Avenue
    Madison, WI 53703
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Jul. 11, 2024 - 10:22pm
    Arrival: Jul. 11, 2024 - 10:24pm
  • Incident Type


43.0688509, -89.3924767

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Firefighters responded to a downtown apartment, where a fire occurred as a result of incense being placed on cardboard.

Engine Co. 1 arrived to the 600 block of W. Washington Avenue and found a small fire on the sidewalk outside an apartment. The occupant explained they had been burning incense and they placed the incense on cardboard, thinking it was cool enough to set there. While in another room, the occupant smelled smoke and heard the smoke alarm go off. They returned to the room to find the cardboard had ignited from the used incense. The occupant carried the cardboard outside, and firefighter extinguished it with a small amount of water. 

The occupant was not injured, and no significant damage occurred. Ladder 1 and Engine 1 ventilated the apartment before returning to service.

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