Bicycle Plan

Every day, City of Madison residents and visitors choose to go by bike to get to work and school, run errands, or just to see the City. Many more people who use a bike for travel and recreation if there were safer, more comfortable, and better-connected routes.

The City has recommendations and goals in a number of plans that provide strategies and actions for improving bicycling:

All Ages and Ability Bike Network

The City also has identified a draft All Ages and Abilities Bike Network as a part of the development of the Complete Green Streets Guide. The Network identifies the streets and paths that when completed will make a complete bike network of low-stress bikeways serving neighborhoods, key destinations within Madison, and to adjacent municipalities. A continuous network is essential for bicyclists of all ages and abilities to travel throughout the City and is critical in increasing the number of people who choose to bike. The Network map is a long-term planning document and is an aspirational concept for a complete system.

The City currently has a draft All Ages and Ability Bike Network map and in late 2024 will be starting the process to finalize the map. Once the map is final the City will be prioritizing gaps in the network to begin the work to build out the complete system.

overhead map of Madison highlighting bike network connections

Anticipated Timeline


  1. Network Evaluation Upcoming

  2. Public Engagement Upcoming

  3. Network Finalization  Upcoming

  4. Project Prioritization Upcoming

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