1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Safety and Bicycle Laws

Safety Tips

Check out these tips to staying safe while you are out biking:

  • 10 Smart Rules to Bicycle Safety - Check out this quick guide to stay safe when biking.
  • On-Street Bicycling Tips - Madison and Wisconsin laws recognize bicycles as vehicles and give you, the bicycle driver, the right to use most roads. Along with this comes the responsibility to obey the same laws as other drivers.
  • Riding at Night  - Before heading out at night make sure you have the proper lights and reflectors to ensure you are visible.
  • Shared-Use Path Etiquette - The City’s paths have a wide variety of users including bicycle commuters, recreational bicyclists, walkers, runners, skaters, dog walkers and more. Following good etiquette helps keep everyone safe.

Bike Laws

Sidewalk Riding – Bicycling is allowed on sidewalks, EXCEPT when buildings are not set back from the sidewalk, such as in commercial districts.

  • People walking always have the right of way on sidewalks and in crosswalks. Always slow down and use caution when you encounter someone walking and let them know that you are there if you are planning to pass them.
  • Always check for drivers that may be entering or exiting a driveway.
  • Riding on Sidewalks

State of Wisconsin

Many rules pertaining to riding a bicycle are set by Wisconsin State Statute.

Additional Resources

City Bicycle Ordinances (Madison General Ordinances)

Zoning Ordinances

Electric bicycle definition

Electric bicycles - Wisconsin State Rules

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