Structure Fire Closes Portion Of Mineral Point Road This Evening
43.0603674, -89.5317971
Incident Details
At approximately 6:22 this evening, crews from the Madison Fire Department responded to the 8500 block of Mineral Point Road for reports of a structure fire of a fully involved pole barn. Smoke could be seen for approximately a mile from the location. Ladder 2 was the first on scene and confirmed the structure fire. Also assisting was Ladder 7, Engine 7, Engine 9, and Medic 2 on the initial defensive fire attack. Ladder 2 provided exposure protection for two above ground fuel tanks in close proximity to the fire building. Ladder 2 confirmed a partial building collapse. Portions of West Mineral Point Road were shut down. At this time, the cause of the fire remains under investigation. Crews will remain on scene throughout the night extinguishing hot spots. No injuries were reported.