Public Comment on City Referendum and Meetings and Updates Week of August 5
posted- City Meetings:
- Sustainable Madison Committee 8/5
- Common Council 8/6
- Public Comment for Referendum Resolution Invited During 8/6 Council Meeting
- You’re Invited: National Night Out at Galaxy Park 8/6
- Free Family Movie Night: Monsters Inc. at McGinnis Park 8/7
- Domestic Abuse Resource Meet and Greet 8/13 at Pinney Library
- Events & Announcements
To learn more about how to participate in Common Council meetings, visit: www.cityofmadison.com/council/meetings-agendas/participate-in-council-meetings.
City Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
Sustainable Madison Committee
The Sustainable Madison Committee meeting will take place on Monday, August 5, in virtual format at 4:30 p.m. Agenda items include a resolution refining lawn and property maintenance provisions of Madison General Ordinances and a resolution adopting the Update to the Madison Sustainability Plan.
Common Council
The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 6, in hybrid format at 6:30 p.m. Agenda items include:
- A resolution expressing appreciation for the services and dedication of Assistant Fire Chief Ché Stedman.
- A new alcohol license for the Metro Market grocery store at 6010 Cottage Grove Road in Grandview Commons. The applicant didn’t renew their existing alcohol license by the June 30th 2024 deadline and so needs a new license to continue alcohol sales. They have a 60-day provisional license in place now.
- A resolution supporting the implementation of the City’s new anti-bullying policy to protect youth in City-sponsored programs (I’m a cosponsor).
- An item for public comment on the resolution would place a referendum on the November 5 general election ballot. The referendum would authorize an increase of $22 million to the state-imposed property tax levy limit to allow the City to continue to fund police, fire, garbage collection, parks and library operations, and other City services and operations. The Council’s vote on this item will take place in a special virtual meeting on August 20th. This is because the WI Department of Revenue won’t have final state financial figures ready to share until August 15th, and state law requires that a vote on a tax levy referendum must take place at least 70 days before the election (which for the Nov election is August 26th). Read more about this below.
- A quarterly report from MPD Chief Shon Barnes. The report shows that most reported categories of crime are down from 2021 including shots fired, robberies, burglaries, and stolen autos. Heroin and fentanyl overdoses are overall up since 2021 though there was a decrease from the 1st quarter 2024 to the 2nd quarter 2024. In addition, MPD welcomed 32 new officers to the pre-service academy.
- Adopting the Madison Sustainability Plan Update and directing staff to implement the recommendations in the plan.
- A resolution mending Section 27.05 of the Madison General Ordinances to refine lawn and property maintenance provisions. This is a substitute version with a narrower and simpler scope than was initially proposed. I heard from several urban ecology advocates in District 3 and members of the Madison Wild Ones group who shared their concerns and input on the more restrictive first version with me, with the ordinance sponsoring alder, and with the Sustainable Madison Committee members. In response to that feedback staff prepared this new version which specifies that enforcement activities only apply to tall grass, and restrictions to natural lawns are removed. Wild Ones shared that they’re more comfortable with the new version. Thank you to Wild Ones members and other residents who weighed in on this item and helped make it better! I’ve asked to be added as a cosponsor of the new version.
Meeting info:
HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN COMMON COUNCIL MEETINGS? The Common Council generally holds meetings twice a month on Tuesdays, starting at 6:30 pm in hybrid format. Members of the public can participate in the following ways:
- Watch Online (link above)
- Attend In Person or Virtually (virtual registration at the link above)
- Register for Public Comment (link above)
- Provide Comments before a Meeting: allalders@cityofmadison.com
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Public Comment for Referendum Resolution Invited During Tuesday’s Council Meeting
The Madison Common Council is encouraging residents to submit public testimony on an important resolution affecting the City budget at its next meeting on Tuesday, August 6 at 6:30 p.m.
If adopted, the resolution would place a referendum on the November 5 general election ballot. The referendum would authorize an increase of $22 million to the state-imposed property tax levy limit to allow the City to continue to fund police, fire, garbage collection, parks and library operations, and other City services and operations. For more information about the Operating Budget's structural deficit, please see my July 21st blog post which provides much more detail.
To register to speak in-person or virtually at the August 6 meeting, please fill out this form. The agenda item for the referendum resolution is 84443. You can also register to speak at the City County Building the day of the meeting.
You can submit written comments on the referendum resolution by emailing allalders@cityofmadison.com.
The Council meeting on August 6 is the community’s opportunity to have their voice heard on this vital City budget issue. A special virtual council meeting will then be held on August 20 for alders to take a final vote on the resolution. This is due to final figures from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, needed for the referendum resolution, not being ready until after August 15. State law requires that a vote on a tax levy referendum must take place at least 70 days before the election (which for the Nov election is August 26th). As a result this vote can only take place after August 15th and before August 26th when the Council did not have a regular meeting scheduled.
Please note that in-person or virtual public testimony on the referendum resolution will only occur at the Tuesday, August 6, 2024, meeting. However, you can submit written comments by emailing allalders@cityofmadison.com anytime between now and Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
More information on the 2025 budget process is available on the City’s Budget Outlook page.
You’re Invited: National Night Out at Galaxy Park 8/6
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign held every August to promote partnerships between officers and those they serve. This year National Night Out takes place on Tuesday, August 6th. Madison Police Department, Madison Community Policing Foundation, and many other community partners are holding several National Night Out events around the City. One of the East District events will take place here in District 3 at Galaxy Park behind Harmony Apartments from 5pm to 8pm. Please join us!

Free Family Movie Night: Monsters Inc. at McGinnis Park 8/7
Madison Parks organized a Movie in the Park event for McGinnish Park, 9 Crystal Lane, on Wednesday August 7th. Grab a blanket or lawn chair and join Madison Parks for a free movie in the park! The movie will be Monsters, Inc. (2001), G 1h 32m.
Here’s the Madison Parks event page.
Domestic Abuse Resource Meet and Greet 8/13 at Pinney Library
From Madison Police Department East District:
“Hello East District!
On Tuesday, August 13, Detective Kelly Dougherty is hosting a Domestic Abuse Resource Meet and Greet at the Pinney Branch of the Madison Public Library. Sadly, domestic abuse affects many members of our community in a very real and direct manner. It affects even more members of our community indirectly.
Aside from her own considerable experience investigating domestic violence, Detective Doughtery has also brought together experts and advocates from the District Attorney's Crime Response Team, Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS), and the Rape Crisis Center to lend their perspectives and answer questions from the community.
Regardless of your proximity to domestic violence (survivor, advocate, loved one, neighbor) we hope that you can find something at this event to help someone break the cycle and find safety. Thank you for considering attending!
This event will be held on Tuesday, August 13, from 6PM until 8PM, at the Pinney Branch of the Madison Public Library (516 Cottage Grove Rd). Many thanks to Detective Dougherty, the event contributors, and the Library for helping make this happen. Light refreshments provided by the Madison Community Policing Foundation.”
News & Announcements
- Public Comment on Referendum Resolution Scheduled for August 6 : The Madison Common Council is encouraging residents to submit public testimony on an important resolution affecting the City budget at its next meeting. [posted August 2, 2024]
- August Moving Days: How to Set Out Appliances, Furniture, & Other Large Items: When placing large items out for pickup, follow these guidelines… [posted August 2, 2024]
- August Moving Days: Daily Collections of Carts in Student Move Area: Starting at 6:30 a.m. on Monday August 5, 2024 residents in the downtown moving days area can place trash and recycling collection carts out for daily pickup. The Streets Division will have crews patrolling the move-out area emptying collection… [posted August 1, 2024]
- City of Madison Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Updated Ahead of Primary: Madison's 14 absentee ballot drop boxes are getting an updated look ahead of the Aug. 13 primary election. [posted July 31, 2024]
- August Moving Days: How to Recycle Televisions, Computers, and Other Electronics: Electronics must be delivered to the Streets Division’s drop-off sites, or to a reputable private electronics recycler in the area. All electronics are accepted for free from City of Madison residents at the Streets Division drop-off… [posted July 31, 2024]
- In-Person Absentee Voting Begins Today: In-person absentee voting for the August 13 Partisan Primary begins today.“Avoid lines at the polls on election day and visit one of our local libraries to cast your ballot early,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway. “In-person absentee voting has begun. You… [posted July 30, 2024]
- August Moving Days: How to Use the Large Item Work Order System during the Move Out: Starting the week of August 4, 2024 and ending on Friday, August 23 2024, the large item work order rules are different for residents who live in the student move-out area. [posted July 30, 2024]
- Want to Vote by Mail? Request Absentee Today: With just two weeks remaining before the August 13 Partisan Primary, the City Clerk’s Office urges voters wishing to receive an absentee through the mail to submit their requests today. “Don’t lose the opportunity to make your vote count,” said Mayor… [posted July 29, 2024]
- August Moving Days: Make a Plan and Donate Today: The annual August Moving Days for downtown Madison will soon get underway. Thousands of Madison residents will be changing homes within the downtown moving days area and you will need to decide just what to do with all their stuff. The… [posted July 29, 2024]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- Hospitalized Voting Begins, Tuesday, August 6: Beginning today, voters who are hospitalized can appoint an agent to:…
- Blood Pressure Screening, Tuesday, August 6: Free Blood Pressure Screening is available to older adults, on the first and third Tuesday, 11:15 - 12:00 pm. Please find additional upcoming Madison Senior Center events listed on the Madison Senior Center event calendar.
- Madison Night Market, Thursday, August 8: The Office of the Common Council is excited to host its resource table at the Madison Night Market on Thursday, August 8. We welcome you to stop by and say hi and share your feedback with Council staff and alders!
- Dane Dances: Luisito Rosario / V05, Friday, August 9: Food and cocktails are available for purchase at 4:30 PM. Lake Vista Café will be open for your enjoyment along with La Taguara, Melly Mells Catering, and Kipps Kitchen. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Feel free to bring a blanket, chair, and picnic basket Sorry, carry-in alcohol is prohibited. Seating on the rooftop is limited.
- Ride the Drive 2024, Sunday, August 11: It’s thousands of happy healthy people coming together to experience parks and open streets in a single, one-day, free, community event. Since the inaugural Ride the Drive in 2009, this event continues to celebrate Madison’s commitment to a healthy, active lifestyle focusing on the environmental and economic impacts and the importance of social integration.
Please find additional upcoming City of Madison Parks events listed on the City parks event calendar.
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.