Meetings and Updates Week of Sept 9
posted- City Meetings
- Plan Commission 9/9
- Common Council 9/10 (includes Northeast Area Plan adoption)
- Board of Public Works 9/11
- Reminder: Final Brush Collection Opportunity for 2024
- City Finance Hosting “Ask Me Anything” Event on the City Budget on 9/11
- Metro Transit - Fast Fare Pass Pick Up Events
- Events & Announcements
City Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
Plan Commission
The Plan Commission meeting will take place on Monday, September 9, at 5:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include a request in District 3 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow live music at the Boneyard, 1018-1034 Walsh Road. The applicant proposes to host outdoor live music on Saturday afternoons from noon to 6:00 pm and potentially smaller acoustic performances inside the building. The stage for the outdoor live music will be located to the northeast if the building, near the chain link fence which runs along the eastern property line (along Walsh Road). There’s a letter of support on the record from a neighbor. Other agenda items include development-related requests elsewhere in the City.
Common Council
The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 10, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include:
- An honoring resolution proclaiming September to be National Recovery Month
- A presentation from City Human Resources about the City workforce including a strategic plan, compensation study, and labor relations. The HR Annual Report for 2023 shows that, compared to 2022, HR saw more applications; stable overall employee retention; and higher 1st-year turnover in the City workforce in 2023.
A resolution adopting the Northeast Area Plan as an amendment to the Madison Comprehensive Plan.
- I wrote in more detail about the contents of the Northeast Area Plan in my July 14th blog post, and more specifically about the Nakoosa Trail extension in my August 25th blog post.
In the Plan Commission meeting on 8/26, I made a motion to adopt the NEAP without the Nakoosa Trail street extension. In my comments I highlighted concerns raised by Sycamore Park neighbors about the impact of a street on Park uses and about the fact that this area already has multi-use paths (including a new bridge over Hwy 30) that supports connectivity for bikes and pedestrians through this corridor. My motion removing the street extension failed by a vote of 3-4, after which the Plan Commission advanced the Northeast Area Plan to Common Council with a recommendation for somewhat more flexible language about the actual route of a potential street extension.
- The Council will take up the Northeast Area Plan proposal for a final vote. The proposal currently includes the Nakoosa Trail street extension, but the extension may be removed if a majority of alders decide to support its removal from the Plan.
- Residents with input about any part of the Northeast Area Plan can email or can register for item #16 on the agenda (you can indicate support/opposed/neither, and can indicate whether you want to speak to the alders during public comment on the item during Tuesday’s meeting). Feel free to reach out to me with questions:
- A resolution adopting the West Area Plan as an amendment to the Madison Comprehensive Plan.
- An ordinance change that adds code providing a way to use the existing downtown affordable housing story bonus incentive for housing projects that serve students (I’m a cosponsor). Existing story bonus incentives don’t work in the student housing market because students are typically ineligible to live in housing funded by traditional affordable housing fund sources. Here’s a staff memo about the proposal. Note: downtown height limits still apply.
- A change of conditions request for a Class A Beer and Class A Liquor license at 3859 East Washington Ave, removing the existing condition preventing single-sales at this location. The ALRC recommends placing the request “on file” (not granting).
- A resolution accepting a grant for the Madison Police Department’s Madison Area Addiction Recovery Initiative (MAARI; I’m a cosponsor).
- Accepting a WI Department of Health Services donation of Nathan, fentanyl test strips, and overdose prevention education materials for the Madison Police Department’s Madison Area Addiction Recovery Initiative (MAARI; I’m a cosponsor).
Meeting info:
Board of Public Works
The Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 11, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include establishing new soil infiltration design standards for stormwater that future development projects must meet. My understanding is that this new regulation for development is proposed in response to a recent housing development proposal on the west side where the project's stormwater handling methods became a point of contention among opponents of that project.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Reminder: Final Brush Collection Opportunity for 2024
The Streets Division’s final curbside brush collection is underway the week of Sept 8th. Once the final curbside pickup occurs, there will not be another scheduled brush collection opportunity until the spring of 2025.
The last date when you should set out brush depends on where you live. For some neighborhoods, the last set out date for brush for this year is September 8, 2024. Get your final set-out date for brush collection at Enter your address into the form on that page, or use the look-up map tool.
If you miss their final curbside pickup opportunity, take the brush to a Streets Division drop-off site. Check the drop-off site website so you know the locations, hours, and restrictions before loading your vehicle.
City Finance Hosting "Ask Me Anything" Event on the City Budget Sept 11
From this news release:
“The City of Madison is hosting an AMA — “Ask Me Anything” — virtual public meeting on the 2025 budget and funding referendum. It will be held on Wednesday, September 11 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Madison Finance Director Dave Schmiedicke and staff from the Mayor’s Office will be answering questions about the City budget. You can submit your questions ahead of time or during the meeting.
Please email questions to City Communications Manager Dylan Brogan at Use the subject line: Budget AMA.
Register at this registration link."
Metro Transit - Fast Fare Pass Pick Up Events
Metro has installed a new fare system that will make riding the bus faster, easier, and more convenient. Features include:
- Online accounts with reloadable smartcards
- Pay as you go with fare cap pricing
- Ticket vending machines at most BRT stations
- Board and tap at any bus door when boarding at a BRT station
Pick up a Fast Fare card and get help from City of Madison staff.
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Pinney Library: September 9, September 12, & September 23
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Sequoya Library: September 9, September 17, & September 26
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Meadowridge Library: September 10, September 18, & September 26
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Central Library:September 11, September 19, & September 25
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Lakeview Library: September 16, September 19 & September 25
- Fast Fare Pick Up at Alicia Ashman Library: September 16
Events & Announcements
- Capitol View Farmers' Market, Wednesday, September 11: The Capitol View Farmers' Market is held weekly on Wednesdays (3:00-7:00pm) from late May through mid-October. Join us each week for great local vendors, live music, food carts, and special activities from week to week. Visit our website and follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information and schedules!
- Library Takeover Team Plans Event to Shed Light on Domestic Violence within the LatinX Community: Red Heels: Steps Toward Justice event planned for September 14 at Central Library will include a powerful keynote address from an internationally renowned speaker. [posted September 4, 2024]
- Get Your Kids Up to Date on Vaccines at School Clinics: As the back-to-school season kicks off, Public Health Madison & Dane County is holding a series of school vaccine clinics to help parents get their kids up to date on immunizations. [posted September 4, 2024]
- September is Library Card Sign-Up Month at Madison Public Library: Apply for or renew your library card, read about the 30 things you can do with your Madison Public Library Card, and see how much you save by using the library with the Library Value Calculator! [posted September 3, 2024]
- BRT Station Open House, Tuesday, September 10: Stop by to preview the station, tour an electric bus, ask questions and pick up a Fast Fare card.
- Disability Jeopardy, Tuesday, September 10: Join us for one of America’s favorite game shows -- Disability Edition!
- Project Home's Fall Home Maintenance, Tuesday, September 10: It’s getting colder, and winter will be here before you know it! At this class we will discuss how to prep your home for those frigid Winter months and the items you need to check on, each year, in order to keep your home safe and healthy. If you stay on top of these maintenance items, it will help you avoid problems and costly repairs down the road – and keep your home warmer this winter. Sponsored by MG & E.
- 13th Annual 'Never Forget' Blood Drive, Wednesday, September 11: Madison Fire and Madison Police team up to host a blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross.
- Madison Night Market, Thursday, September 12: Madison Night Market is a celebration of Madison's unique and inspiring creative culture.
- Firefighter Fun Day at Fire Station 10, Sunday, September 15: For the first time ever, Firefighter Fun Day comes to the north side! The firefighter/EMTs and firefighter/paramedics of Fire Station 10 open their doors for an afternoon of fun for the whole family!
For the full list of upcoming events, please visit the City events calendar. Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.