Police Civilian Oversight Board - September 19, 2024

  • Thursday, September 19, 2024

  • Location

    This meeting is being held virtually.

    Watch Online
  • Agenda & Minutes

  • Written Comments

    You can send comments on agenda items to pcob@cityofmadison.com
  • Register for Public Comment

    • Register to speak at the meeting.
    • Register to answer questions.
    • Register in support or opposition of an agenda item (without speaking).

    If you want to speak at this meeting, you must register. When you register to speak, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to attend the meeting.

    Register for Public Comment
  • Listen by Phone

    (877) 853-5257
    Webinar ID: 859 5604 3864
  • Interpretation & Accommodations

    Please contact us if you need interpretation, translation, or accommodations. You can email pcob@cityofmadison.com, or go to the meeting's agenda to find a phone number.
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