Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Celebrate National Voter Education Week
The Madison City Clerk’s Office encourages voters to celebrate National Voter Education Week, October 7-11.
Monday – Register to Vote
Verify your voter registration at https://MyVote.wi.gov. If you have moved since you last registered, even if it is to a different unit in the same building, you will need to update your voter registration.
If you have a Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID and your address is updated with the DMV, you may register online at https://MyVote.wi.gov. Otherwise, you may register at any Madison Public Library with proof of address.
Tuesday – Get to Know Your Ballot
Find out what is on your ballot. Research the candidates and referenda questions. To see your sample ballot, visit https://MyVote.wi.gov and select “What’s On My Ballot” at the top of the screen.
Wednesday – Make a Plan to Vote
The Clerk’s Office has created a checklist you can use to determine which options work best for you.
Thursday – Understand the Process
The Wisconsin Elections Commission has produced an Elections 101 video series. These videos explain election processes and security procedures.
Friday – Share with Your Family and Friends
Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to verify that they are registered to vote, get to know their ballot, make a plan to vote, and understand the election process.
The goal of the City Clerk’s Office is that each eligible voter will be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.