Celebrate National Voter Education Week


The Madison City Clerk’s Office encourages voters to celebrate National Voter Education Week, October 7-11.

Monday – Register to Vote
Verify your voter registration at https://MyVote.wi.gov. If you have moved since you last registered, even if it is to a different unit in the same building, you will need to update your voter registration.

If you have a Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID and your address is updated with the DMV, you may register online at https://MyVote.wi.gov.  Otherwise, you may register at any Madison Public Library with proof of address.

Tuesday – Get to Know Your Ballot
Find out what is on your ballot. Research the candidates and referenda questions.  To see your sample ballot, visit https://MyVote.wi.gov and select “What’s On My Ballot” at the top of the screen.

Wednesday – Make a Plan to Vote
The Clerk’s Office has created a checklist you can use to determine which options work best for you.

Thursday – Understand the Process
The Wisconsin Elections Commission has produced an Elections 101 video series. These videos explain election processes and security procedures.

Friday –  Share with Your Family and Friends
Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to verify that they are registered to vote, get to know their ballot, make a plan to vote, and understand the election process.

The goal of the City Clerk’s Office is that each eligible voter will be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.

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