Help Celebrate the Life and Work of Jeff Erlanger
postedThe City of Madison recently asked for nominations for the Jeffrey Clay Erlanger Civility in Public Discourse Award. This annual award recognizes a Madison area resident who exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and cooperation that Jeff Erlanger showed throughout his service in Madison’s government.
Jeff served on the City of Madison's Economic Development Commission; he was chair of the Commission on People with Disabilities; chair of the Board of Directors of the Community Living Alliance; and ran for the Madison Common Council in 2002. He also held several other significant positions in the community. One of his greatest accomplishments was his successful push for the accessible taxicab service in Madison today. He was honored last year when an accessible playground was named in his memory at Rennebohm Park on Madison’s Westside.
Jeff, a lifelong quadriplegic due to complications from a spinal tumor discovered in infancy, died on June 10, 2007. He spent a significant part of his life committed to public service, focusing on constructive advocacy and civil debate, fairness, openness and effective representation. He embraced the similarities that unite us.
In the past, nominees were required to live in the City of Madison, however with the recognition that many active volunteers live in outlying areas, the range has been expanded to include surrounding communities.
Past award winners have included our City’s Poet Laureate, several former members of the Common Council, leaders in non-profit organizations, a long-time neighborhood association leader and the Executive Director of the Bayview Foundation.
We know there are many effective and collaborative leaders throughout the Madison area. Think of someone you have admired for their work in volunteer or work activities. Nominate a person you know who in these stressful and divisive times, uses their energy and efforts to work with others. Please take the time to nominate one or even two deserving Madisonians!
The winner of the award and the person who nominated them are each able to designate a local non-profit to receive a $250 donation.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Mayor's Office.