Building Tune-ups
Just like a car or bicycle, buildings need to be tuned-up regularly to make sure they are operating at their best. Building tune-ups check and adjust building energy systems, like lighting and HVAC controls, to make sure existing systems are running well without wasting energy or money. Tune-ups reduce building energy use by 10-15% on average while saving money, improving comfort for building occupants, and extending the life of equipment.
Commercial buildings 50,000 sq. ft. and larger are required to tune-up every four years. Buildings that are already very energy efficient or buildings that have recently taken actions that substantially improve energy efficiency may be eligible for an alternative compliance pathway.
Updated Reporting Deadlines
Early Bird Submission
Buildings of any size may complete a tune-up or an alternative compliance pathway starting in 2025. Early bird submission is due October 30, 2025.
Advantages of early bird submission:
- Achieve alternative compliance pathway. Buildings must meet the conditions of an alternative compliance pathway within the 2-3 years prior to their submission deadline. Your building may be eligible for an alternative compliance pathway in 2025 but not 2026, so it may be advantageous to complete the submission requirements early.
- Get an extra year between tune-ups. Buildings >100,000 sq. ft. that complete tune-up requirements in 2025 will not be required to tune-up again until 2030.
Required Submission
- Buildings >100,000 sq. ft. are required to tune-up for the first time by October 30, 2026.
- Buildings 50,000 - 99,999 sq. ft. are required to tune-up for the first time by October 30, 2027.
The deadline was extended to provide building owners and managers additional time to plan and budget tune-ups, identify a tune-up specialist, train staff as a tune-up specialist if needed, achieve alternative compliance pathways, and gather building data. If your building is required to tune-up, don't wait to get started.