Building Tune-ups

Just like a car or bicycle, buildings need to be tuned-up regularly to make sure they are operating at their best. Building tune-ups check and adjust building energy systems, like lighting and HVAC controls, to make sure existing systems are running well without wasting energy or money. Tune-ups reduce building energy use by 10-15% on average while saving money, improving comfort for building occupants, and extending the life of equipment. 

Commercial buildings 50,000 sq. ft. and larger are required to tune-up every four years. Buildings that are already very energy efficient or buildings that have recently taken actions that substantially improve energy efficiency may be eligible for an alternative compliance pathway. 

Updated Reporting Deadlines

Early Bird Submission

Buildings of any size may complete a tune-up or an alternative compliance pathway starting in 2025. Early bird submission is due October 30, 2025. 

Advantages of early bird submission:

  • Achieve alternative compliance pathway. Buildings must meet the conditions of an alternative compliance pathway within the 2-3 years prior to their submission deadline. Your building may be eligible for an alternative compliance pathway in 2025 but not 2026, so it may be advantageous to complete the submission requirements early.
  • Get an extra year between tune-ups. Buildings >100,000 sq. ft. that complete tune-up requirements in 2025 will not be required to tune-up again until 2030.

Required Submission

  • Buildings >100,000 sq. ft. are required to tune-up for the first time by October 30, 2026.
  • Buildings 50,000 - 99,999 sq. ft. are required to tune-up for the first time by October 30, 2027.

The deadline was extended to provide building owners and managers additional time to plan and budget tune-ups, identify a tune-up specialist, train staff as a tune-up specialist if needed, achieve alternative compliance pathways, and gather building data. If your building is required to tune-up, don't wait to get started.

How to Comply

A view looking up from the sidewalk of the sky, the side of a brick building with white bay windows, and a tree canopy.

1. Check the Covered Buildings List

The 2025 Covered Buildings List shows the initial tune-up year for all buildings that must meet this requirement.

City of Madison Greenpower program participants

2. Select a Tune-up Specialist

A tune-up specialist can be on-site staff or a contracted service provider, as long as they have the proper qualifications.

A person in a hard hat and plaid shirt is checking on rooftop HVAC equipment.

3. Complete the Building Assessment

The tune-up specialist will use the Tune-up Report Workbook as a guide for assessing the building’s systems or subsystems that use energy or impact energy consumption.

An open laptop with charts and graphs related to energy efficiency floating above the keyboard.

4. Implement and Verify Corrective Actions

Required corrective actions must be implemented by in-house staff, service providers, or the specialist. The specialist verifies implementation and ensures systems function as intended. Voluntary actions may be completed at any time.

Screen shot of Building Owner Portal Log In

4. Submit the Tune-up Report Workbook using the Building Owner Portal

Review and submit your building's Tune-up Report Workbook in the Building Owner Portal.


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing a tune-up, including filling out the Tune-up Reporting Workbook.

Click here to download the Tune-up Report Workbook.

Visit our Help Desk to find answers to common questions and request help if you need it.

Program Information

What are my compliance options?

Buildings owners can choose between four compliance pathways: 

  1. Complete a building tune-up. 
  2. Choose an Alternative Compliance Pathway that demonstrates you have a high efficiency building or have recently taken actions that substantially improved your building’s efficiency.
  3. Apply for a 1-year extension if you meet one of the qualifying criteria:
    1. Recent change in building ownership.
    2. +50% of the building is vacant and not leased for at least 6 months of the previous year.
    3. Building is undergoing a major renovation.
    4. A building’s owner is experiencing financial hardship such as bankruptcy or foreclosure.
  4. Apply for an exemption if the building is being demolished.

What is a building tune-up?

A building tune-up is a process of reviewing of energy systems, controls, and maintenance practices, and making minor adjustments and fixes as needed to bring them up to a good state of performance. Meta-analysis by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) shows that tune-ups result in a median annual energy savings of 12% and a median annual cost savings of $0.16 per square foot for a building. 

What building systems are included in a tune-up?

Base building systems or subsystems that use energy or impact energy consumption are checked during a tune-up, including: 

  • building envelope 
  • HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) 
  • domestic hot water systems, including water softening equipment 
  • and electrical lighting systems. 

For each system, the following elements (if present) are checked to make sure they are meeting the specifications defined by the building owner: 

  • Sensors
  • Schedules
  • Set points
  • Outside air control/ventilation
  • Equipment controls
  • Maintenance or repair needs
  • Design recommendations

Operational adjustments or repairs are included in a tune-up when an element does not meet the building owner’s requirements or is in need of maintenance or repair.  

Who can perform a tune-up?

Tune-up must be carried out by a qualified tune-up specialist or a team under their supervision. It is the Tune-up Specialist's job to make sure that building systems are operating per the needs and expectations of the building owner and are not in need of maintenance or repair. A Tune-up Specialist can be on-site staff or a contracted service provider, as long as they have the proper qualifications.

What qualifications are needed to be a Tune-Up Specialist?

A Tune-up Specialist must have at least three years of experience in building commissioning, tune-ups, energy auditing, or building energy system management and hold one of the following certifications:

Is there a list of Tune-Up Specialists?

The City of Madison does not maintain a list of qualified Tune-up Specialists. A Tune-up Specialist can be on-site staff or a contracted service provider, as long as they have the proper qualifications. 

To find qualified contractors, check out Focus on Energy's list of Trade Allies. Look for Trade Allies that perform the following services:

  • Retrocommissioning
  • Commissioning
  • Energy Planning
  • Energy Management
  • ASHRAE Level 1 Audit

What are the Alternative Compliance Pathways?

We recognize that many building owners are making great strides toward achieving energy efficiency. Rather than conducting a Tune-Up and to allow flexibility for owners, buildings that are already highly energy efficient, or those that have recently undergone improvements that substantially improve energy efficiency can apply for an Alternative Compliance Pathway by submitting proof of one of the follow conditions or certifications: 

  • Certified ENERGY STAR score of +75 for 2024
  • LEED Gold or Platinum (O+M) within last 3 years
  • Complete full commissioning or retro-commissioning within last 3 years
  • Net Zero Energy Certification within last 3 years
  • +10% improvement in energy efficiency over last 4 years
  • Completing ASHRAE Level II audit and implemented recommendations with a simple payback of <2 years within last 2 years
  • Demonstrate building has energy use intensity (EUI) of 20 kBTU/sq. ft. for at least 2 of the last 3 years
  • Received any of the following awards within the last 3 years:
    • Dane County Climate Champion recognition in the category of Building Energy Use
    • Better Buildings Goal Achievers recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge
    • BOMA 360 designation and received +6 points for Energy Star Benchmarking, Building Energy Management, and Energy Audit and System Commissioning
    • BOMA TOBY award in the Office or Earth categories with +5 or +6 points, respectively, for Benchmarking & Performance Rating

How do I get started?

The Tune-Up Report Workbook, which you will need to show your work to the City of Madison, is under final review and available in January 2025. Check back here to download the Workbook and for more program updates. In the meantime, you can start by identifying your Tune-up Specialist who can provide information about how long the tune-up process will take and how much it will cost for your building. Your Tune-up Specialist can also help you organize any existing reports or studies you have already done that can assist in tuning-up your building.

Are there incentives to help cover the cost of a tune-up?

Yes! Focus on Energy incentives are available for whole building tune-ups and retrocommissioning, one of the Alternative Compliance Pathways. 

Whole Building Tune-Up (WBTU) incentive

  • Prescriptive incentive that provides up to $1,850, increasing in 2025
  • Focused on tuning up HVAC equipment, may be better suited for medium sized buildings
  • Source of funding for those completing a building tune-up

Retrocommissioning (RCx) offering

  • Provides $0.10/sq ft for completing retrocommissioning and reducing EUI by up to 5%
  • Additional $0.01/sq ft for every 1% reduction in EUI above 5%
  • Up to $100,000
  • Source of funding for those choosing the Retrocommissioning Compliance Pathway

Contact a Focus on Energy Advisor to learn more and get started:

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