Paid Parking Pilot, Censure Resolution, Leaf Pickup & 2025 Spring Election
postedGreetings friends and neighbors! I hope this message finds you well after the first snowfall of the 2024 winter.
Paid Parking Pilot
There has been an understandable amount of attention and concern raised regarding the Madison Parks Paid Parking Pilot. I'd like to provide you with some clarifying information. This approach emerged as a way to explore potential revenue/funding sources if the referendum on the November 2024 ballot did not pass. While the referendum ultimately passed, discussions about creative solutions to ensure our parks remain well-maintained, accessible, and funded, continue.
The pilot program is designed to test short-term, small-scale scenarios and prioritize equity. It proposes to:
- Charge for parking during home Badger football games in the north lot of Vilas Park, while keeping the south lot free for 3 hour parking
- Introduces fee-based parking for reserved commuter stalls during peak hours in high demand lots (ie: Garner, Olin, Burr Jones).
- Ensures general park visitors continue to have access to free parking out of these specific cases
The pilot will run throughout 2025 and include ongoing evaluations of its impact on:
- Park visitors
- Revenue generation, and
- Accessibility and equity
A full report will be submitted to the Board of Park Commissioners in early 2026. Results from the pilot and report will then be used to determine whether implementation of these proposed changes are feasible or not.
Information shared about the pilot was gathered from the Madison Parks Division recent blog, which can be read in full by clicking the (hyper)link.
Update Since Publishing
I failed to notice a resolution amending the pilot and removing it all together, will be introduced at Tuesday's Council meeting. Led by Alder Evers, the resolution seeks to eliminate the pilot due to fact the referendum passed and establishing the program would be a significant change in how the Parks Division manages City parks. After Tuesday's introduction, the resolution will be before the Finance Committee meeting of December 2nd, before coming back to the Council for a final vote, Tuesday December 10th. I look forward to the discussion but will likely support this amendment.
Censure Resolution
A resolution titled "Censuring Ald. Charles Myadze for conduct unbecoming of an alder," will be introduced at the Common Council's meeting of November 26, 2024. This means no action (ie: public comment, discussion and vote) will be taken on the item. Instead, it will return for action at the Council's next meeting on Tuesday December 10th. Please note the November 26th meeting will be 100% virtual.
I have signed on as a co-sponsor to the resolution as I believe the Common Council has a responsibility to take the (multiple) reports that have been revealed seriously, address them, and act decisively. I want to be clear; a censure will not remove Ald. Myadze from the Council. However, I feel it is the least we as a body can do at this point, and most importantly, is the right thing to do. I encourage you to read this Madison 365 news article which describes the most recent reports, and the findings based upon an investigation into those reports, initiated by the City.
Leaf Pickup
Starting today, and continuing into next week, City leaf collection crews will begin working in areas. These areas have a set out date of December 1, 2024. I want to acknowledge collections this year have occurred earlier than normal and caught some residents by surprise. This is due to the collection crew's efficiency and should not be interpreted as a regular occurrence or permanent change going forward. I have been assured by staff that no one will be missed during the scheduled pickup. No one will be overlooked. Please contact me if you have specific questions or concerns about your pickup.
Spring 2025 Election
All seats on Madison's Common Council will be up for election during the Spring (April 1, 2025) Election. I have made the decision not to seek re-election for a third term and have filed my notification of non-candidacy with the City Clerk. It has been an honor to serve in this capacity since April 2021 and will do everything possible to ensure District 16 continues to have the best representation possible. If you have questions about this update or the role itself, please feel free to reach out to me.
In community,