Community Meeting: Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Loan Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal 12/12/24
postedMadison Ice, Inc. is asking the City of Madison to forgive a $1.6 million dollar loan and for additional financial relief.
In addition, Madison Ice, Inc. asks that the City allow the Madison Ice Arena (MIA): a Westside property located at 725 Forward Drive (District 19) and the Hartmeyer Ice Arena (HIA): a Northeast Side property at 1810/1834 Commercial Avenue (District 12) to be wholly transferred to Madison Ice, Inc. and to East Madison Ice Collective (EMIC), for $1 each, respectively.**
The existing land contract held between the City of Madison and Madison Ice, Inc. has been in default since 2021. Further, the Hartmeyer facility needs repair.
The proposal comes with a pledge by the Hartmeyer nonprofit to raise $3 million over three years to complete needed repairs and improvements (to the Hartmeyer Ice Arena) such as a new roof, HVAC system, etc.
The proposal was introduced as Legistar Resolution File #86169 (and is related to Legistar files 47680 & #21438).
**In it’s entirety, effectively completing and restoring and reaging a land contract made with Madison Ice Arena, which is in default.
A neighborhood meeting to hear more about this proposal, ask questions, give input and provide feedback is scheduled for Thursday December 12, 2024, at 6:00 PM at Lakeview Library (2845 N. Sherman Avenue). Please come.
If you have questions or commentary, email it to the Office of Business Resources (OBR) which is part of our Economic Development Department (the department handling this proposal):
Email: OBR@cityofmadison.com
CC: District12@cityofmadison.com
Re: Legistar file #86169 Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Loan Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal
You can also text me, Alder Amani Latimer Burris, your questions, comments, etc. at (608) 345-8747
Additionally, this proposal is scheduled to be considered by the Economic Development Committee (on 12/18/24), Finance Committee (on 1/6/25) and by City/Common Council (on 1/14/25).
Finally, we are in the process of working with Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena to schedule an open house for anyone who would like to tour the Hartmeyer Facility. We will update you with the time/place of this meeting as soon as we hear back from them.
Until then, please find more information on how to participate or give us feedback at the various public hearings below:
Community Meeting (with City Representatives)
Meeting Format/Date/Time:
In-person at Lakeview Library (2845 N. Sherman Avenue)
Thursday, 12/12/24 @ 6 p.m.
You can also text me, Alder Amani Latimer Burris, your questions, comments, etc. at (608) 345-8747
To speak at the Community meeting (or register your support/opposition/other)
- Come
- We will have copies of the Legislative File and other information
- There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation
To send us your comments/correspondence/questions/register your support/opposition or other (for the record & the meeting):
Email: OBR@cityofmadison.com (Office of Business Resources)
CC: District12@Cityofmadison.com
Re: Legistar file #86169 Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Loan Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal
Economic Development Committee (EDC)
Meeting Format/Date/Time:
Via Zoom; Wednesday 12/18/24 @ 5 p.m.
To speak at the EDC meeting (or register your support/opposition/other)
- Register at: https://www.cityofmadison/MeetingRegistration
- Select Meeting: Economic Development Committee (12/18/24 5:00 p.m.)
- Select Agenda Item (Legistar file): #86169
- Complete the form & submit your registration
Note: You will receive a confirmation email with a meeting link
You will have 3 minutes to speak
Most speakers state:
- Name
- What neighborhood/city do they live in?
- What do they think of the issue/proposal?
- What concerns or questions do they have?
- What would they like the City/committee/council to consider or know?
To send the EDC comments/correspondence/questions (for the record):
Email: edc@cityofmadison.com
CC: District12@Cityofmadison.com
Re: Legistar file #86169 Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Loan Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal
To watch the EDC meeting :
Go to cityofmadison.com>>cityhall>>committees>>
meeting schedule>>Enter 12/18/24
Finance Committee (FC)
Meeting Format:
Via Zoom; Monday 1/6/25 @ 4:30 p.m.
To speak at the FC Meeting (or register your support/opposition/other)
- Register at: https://www.cityofmadison/MeetingRegistration
- Select Meeting: Finance Committee (01/06/25 @4:30 p.m.)
- Select Agenda Item (Legistar file #): 86169
- Complete the form & submit your registration
Note: You will receive a confirmation email with a meeting link
You will have 3 minutes to speak
Most speakers state:
- Name
- What neighborhood/city do they live in?
- What do they think of the issue/proposal?
- What concerns or questions do they have?
- What would they like the City/committee/council to consider or know?
To send the FC comments/correspondence/questions (for the record):
Email: financecommittee@cityofmadison.com
CC: District12@Cityofmadison.com
Re: Legistar file #86169 Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Loan Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal
To watch the Finance Committee Meeting :
Go to cityofmadison.com>>cityhall>>committees>>
meeting schedule>>Enter 01/06/25
City/Common Council (CC)
Meeting Format:
Via Zoom or In-Person (City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Room 201); Tuesday 1/14/25 @ 6:30 p.m.
To speak at the CC Meeting (or register your support/opposition/other)
- Register at: https://www.cityofmadison/MeetingRegistration
- Select Meeting: Common Council (01/14/25 @6:30 p.m.)
- Select Agenda Item (Legistar file#): 86169
- Complete the form & submit your registration
Note: You will receive a confirmation email with a meeting link
You will have 3 minutes to speak
Most speakers state:
- Name
- What neighborhood/city do they live in?
- What do they think of the issue/proposal?
- What concerns or questions do they have?
- What would they like the City/committee/council to consider or know?
To send CC comments/correspondence/questions (for the record):
Email: allalders@cityofmadison.com
Re: Legistar file #86169 Madison Ice Arena/Hartmeyer Ice Arena Forgiveness & Land Sale Proposal
To watch the City/Common Council Meeting:
Go to cityofmadison.com>>cityhall>>committees>>
meeting schedule>>Enter 01/14/25
See you there!
Amani Latimer Burris
Alder, District 12
Subscribe to District 12 updates at www.cityofmadison.com/council/district12