Thank you for attending the D7 Lunch and Learn featuring Charlie Romines, Streets Division Superintendent!



Thank you for attending the D7 Lunch and Learn featuring Charlie Romines, Streets Division Superintendent. I am grateful to Charlie for providing key insights into winter operations, including snow removal strategies, equipment readiness, and emergency planning. Overall, the presentation was engaging and thorough, giving residents a good idea of how to prepare for the winter season. You can find the pdf version of Charlie's presentation here.

If you missed the Lunch and Learn, you can also watch the recording here. We encourage you to share this recording with your colleagues via email and through your social media accounts. This recording includes the full presentation by Charlie Romines and the Q&A session with attendees. Some of the questions from attendees include but weren't limited to:

  • Where will the sand be available for residents?
  • What websites do you use for forecasting?
  • How are you sharing some of this information with residents? Do you share these facts on Facebook, Instagram, and Nextdoor?
  • What advice would you give to residents about what they can do to help the street clearing?
  • Do you need special equipment to plow some of the new "protected bike lanes"?  They seem pretty narrow.
  • The snowfalls are often at night or on the weekend.  Does the staff get overtime pay for those situations?

For more information on everything winter, please visit This website includes information on Sand Locations, Winter Parking Rules, Snow Removal, Winter Safety & Tips, and more! While visiting this website, residents can also subscribe to get winter weather alerts in real-time. Residents can sign up to receive alerts by text or email.

If you have any additional questions, you can send them directly to Alder Nasra Wehelie at or to the Streets Division at

You can sign up here if you have yet to subscribe to the district 7 blog. 


Alder Nasra Wehelie 

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Alder Nasra Wehelie

District 7
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