Funding Opportunities

Funds administered by the Sustainability Program may be made available to eligible community partners through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The RFPs include information about the application process, criteria for successful applications, and the amount of funding available.

Youth Climate Action Fund

The Youth Climate Action Fund is a small grant opportunity funding 17 projects of up to $5000 for youth-serving organizations to support youth-led projects addressing the City of Madison's Sustainability Plan

If you would like to attend a co-creation event designed to assist organizations in developing competitive proposals on February 17th from 6-7 pm over Zoom, email Nathan Beck at to be added to the invite.

Project details and the application can be found here:

Youth Climate Action Fund Application

Image of the Youth Climate Action Fund grant review comittee, with text stating, "Year 2 Grant Applications Open! The City has been awarded $100,000 to support 17 youth-led and youth-serving projects. The By Youth For Youth program will again lead the way in magnifying the impact of this funding opportunity, with nine youth from the Madison area stepping up to support climate action in their community as a funding review committee. Priority deadline: March 10, 2025."
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