Common Council - Committee of the Whole - October 8, 2020 Thursday, October 8, 2020 7:00pm Location This meeting is being held virtually. Agenda & Minutes Agenda(opens in a new window) Written Comments You can send comments on agenda items to Television Watch live on Spectrum channel 994, AT&T U-Verse channel 99, and Madison City Channel on Roku and Apple TV. Listen by Phone (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 955 2770 4214 Interpretation & Accommodations Please contact us if you need interpretation, translation, or accommodations. You can email, or go to the meeting's agenda(opens in a new window) to find a phone number. JavaScript Required You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Please enable JavaScript and reload the page. If you cannot enable JavaScript, please contact to provide your information. Was this page helpful to you? Yes No Why or why not? Leave this field blank Committees Meeting Schedule Watch Meetings Online Interpretation & Accommodations Apply to be on a Committee Resources for Committee Members Legislative Information(link is external) Upcoming Common Council - Committee of the Whole Meetings There are no other upcoming Common Council - Committee of the Whole meetings scheduled.