Common Council New Business Summaries
postedFriends and neighbors,
The Common Council New Business Summaries is one of the resources provided by our wonderful Common Council office staff to assist in proactively communicating about policies of great interest and/or complexity. The information provides short descriptions of items introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting in the “Introduction of New Business for Referral Without Debate” section of the agenda, as well as any items introduced from the floor at the most recent Common Council meeting.
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so at the registration page. Further instructions for registering on an item can be found at the end of this post.
Items Introduced at the January 14, 2025 Common Council Meeting
Clicking on the hyperlink of the item file number (bolded blue font) will take you to the City's Legistar, a legislative management system used to find legislative files, meeting agendas, and dates. There, you can find more information about each item, including sponsors, action details, and the full item description.
86606 – This proposed ordinance would amend Section 3.70 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Records to align with current technology, City practices, and State law. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/25/25)
- Public Safety Review Committee (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86625 – This proposed ordinance would add the CG21 position of CDA Housing Director to Section 3.54 Subsection 9 of the Madison General Ordinances and would add or substitute CDA Housing Director for CG18 Housing Operations Program Manager elsewhere in the ordinances. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86649 – This proposed ordinance would change how demolition applications are reviewed by city staff and the Plan Commission by proposing that demolitions of non-historic buildings can be processed administratively after Landmarks Commission reviews for historic value. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Landmarks Commission (2/10/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86650 – This proposed ordinance would change several sections throughout MGO Chapter 28, the Zoning Code. Specifically, this would allow more flexibility for the placement of attached garages in residential districts, allow open porches on the side of homes to be located within a portion of the required side yard setback, require the same side yard setback for one- and two-story buildings, increase the allowable size and remove the maximum number of bedrooms for Accessory Dwelling Units, allow more flexibility for how units are arranged within two- and three-unit buildings, and remove the requirement for Usable Open Space where it is still required, while maintaining stormwater, maximum impervious surface, and landscaping requirements. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing – 2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86652 – This proposed ordinance would increase the dollar threshold for when competitive selection is required to make a service contract, from $50,000 to $75,000 in total contract price, and likewise increases the threshold for emergency service contracts to $75,000. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86178 – This proposed resolution would authorize the City Attorney, in consultation with the Mayor, to join the City as amicus in any cases related to environmental sustainability, environmental justice, or climate change which promote or impact Madison's policy of being an environmentally sustainable and resilient community where all Madisonians can thrive now and in the future. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/11/25)
- Sustainable Madison Committee (1/27/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86311 – This proposed resolution would authorize an agreement with MSA Professional Services, Inc. for planning and design engineering services for the Badger Lift Station in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (1/15/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86422 – This proposed resolution would approve a Certified Survey Map of property located at 102 S Sprecher Road in District 3. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86423 – This proposed resolution would approve a Certified Survey Map of property located at 1007 Hillside Avenue in District 19. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86427 – This proposed resolution would accept two grant awards for $70,000 total for overtime and supplies for National Integrated Ballistic Information Network firearm ballistic casings and digital evidence investigative cases. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86505 – This proposed resolution would accept additional funds made available to the Madison Police Department from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Opioid Abatement for Law Enforcement program grant to support the Madison Area Resource Initiative. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86532 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) for the Greater Madison MPO to provide transportation planning services to CARPC in calendar year 2025. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86533 – This proposed resolution would accept a Certified Local Government grant award, which is administered by the National Park Service and awarded as a sub-grant from the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Office. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86576 – This proposed resolution would authorize the execution of an Option and License Agreement with DISH Wireless L.L.C., for premises at the Larkin Communications Tower located at 125 Larkin Street in District 5. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86587 – This proposed resolution would urge the Wisconsin State Legislature to enact common sense gun control. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86599 – This proposed resolution would amend the Metro Transit Operating Budget to provide additional contracted service for the City of Verona and incorporate federal planning funds. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86600 – This proposed resolution would amend the Public Health Budget to accept grant funds from Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and create a Public Health Nurse and NFP Coordinator Position for the NFP Program. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Board of Health for Madison and Dane County (2/5/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86614 – This proposed resolution would authorize a Commercial Ownership Assistance Program no-interest loan in the amount of $117,500 to Silk Road Restaurant to purchase a commercial property at 1920 S Park St. in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Economic Development Committee (1/15/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86618 – This proposed resolution would adopt revisions to the City of Madison Personnel rules to correct a typographical error and update terminology. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Personnel Board (1/15/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86622 – This proposed resolution would submit the appointment of Justin Stuehrenberg for confirmation of a one-year extension term as the Transit General Manager. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86627 – This proposed resolution would approve temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14487 in District 6. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (Public Hearing - 1/29/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86628 – This proposed resolution would authorize the City to enter into a 2-year, competitively selected service contract with Quercus Land Stewardship Services, LLC for ecological restoration services in District 11. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (1/29/25)
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86629 – This proposed resolution would authorize and delegate to the City Engineer the right and responsibility to apply for and execute permits, in a form and manner approved by the City Attorney, on behalf of the City with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the maintenance of the City’s sanitary and storm sewers on the properties located at 2199 S. Thompson Dr, 2221 S. Thompson Dr, & 2798 I 90-39 in District 16. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (1/15/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86630 – This proposed resolution would approve plans and specifications for Hermina Pedestrian Bridge in District 15 and amend the 2025 Engineering Major Streets Capital Budget. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Board of Public Works (1/15/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86634 – This proposed resolution would amend the 2025 Sewer Utility and Stormwater Utility Operating Budgets for coverage from the Insurance Fund and authorize the replacement of equipment destroyed in an accident. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
86656 – This proposed resolution would accept the report titled “2025 Progress Update - City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.” This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (2/3/25)
- Transportation Commission (1/22/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
Items Introduced from the Floor at the January 14, 2025 Common Council Meeting:
Items that are introduced from the floor at the Common Council meeting differ from other items introduced as new business. When these items return to Common Council, they will be re-referred, rather than being taken up for a vote. This means that public comment will not be taken during the initial return to Common Council but will instead be taken at its next return. However, public comment will be taken on any items introduced from the floor at other Boards, Committees, and Commission meetings. Directions for how to register for public comment can be found below.
86741 – This proposed resolution would authorize a purchase of Intranasal Naloxone spray and pre-assembled injectable Naloxone kits to support increased access to overdose reversal medication. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (1/21/25)
- Common Council (1/28/25)
Providing Public Comment on Items:
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so on the meeting registration page. When you click on that link, you will see that there is a drop down for “Meeting,” where you select the BCC that you are wishing to register for. It is important to note that registration is only available once the BCC has published its agenda, which is typically done a few days ahead of the meeting. Once the agenda is published, you can select the meeting and choose the agenda number that aligns with the file number of the item you are interested in. From here, you can choose to register support or oppose the agenda item, if you would like to speak, if you are representing an organization or person other than yourself, and provide your contact information.