New Business: Zoning Amendments Introduced January 14 and all January 28 Introductions at Common Council
postedWhat are the Common Council New Business Summaries?
The Common Council New Business Summaries help readers identify items they are interested in as they make their way through City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCCs) and back to the Common Council for a decision. This document provides a short description of each item that was introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting in the “Introduction of New Business for Referral Without Debate” section of the agenda, as well as any items introduced from the floor.
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so at the registration page. Further instructions for registering on an item can be found at the bottom of the page.
Zoning Amendments Introduced at the January 14, 2025, Common Council Meeting.
In case you missed it, I, along with several of my colleagues, have sponsored an ordinance update to relax some zoning restrictions around the addition of garages, accessory dwelling units, and other modest updates to our zoning code. City staff have done a great job of summarizing what these updates will achieve. The ordinance changes will go before Plan Commission on February 17 and come back to the Common Council on February 25.
Items Introduced at the January 28, 2025, Common Council Meeting
If you click on the hyperlink on the file number of the item you are interested in, you can find more information about each item, including sponsors, action details, and the full item description.
86804 – This proposed ordinance would create a new Chapter 21 of the Madison General Ordinances, which would contain the zoning floodplain regulations and maps. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86807 – This proposed ordinance would amend various sections within Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances to remove floodplain references. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86825 – This proposed ordinance would change the terms of alders appointed to City boards, commissions and committees from being concurrent with the term of their office to a term expiring in the following April, which is done to accommodate the change to electing alders to staggered terms. This proposed ordinance will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council Executive Committee (2/11/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86736 – This proposed resolution would approve the preliminary plat of the LEO Living on property addressed as 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road in District 17. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (3/3/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86737 – This proposed resolution would approve the revised preliminary plat of Hill Valley on property addressed as 940-1050 S High Point Road, 1051 S Pleasant View Road, and 902 Landmark Trail in District 1. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86738 – This proposed resolution would approve the final plat of Hill Valley on portions of the properties addressed as 1050 S High Point Road and 1051 S Pleasant View Road in District 1. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (2/17/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86739 – This proposed resolution would approve a Certified Survey Map of property located at 1937 Arlington Place and 2013-2021 Chamberlain Avenue in University Heights Historic District in District 5. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86775 – This proposed resolution would amend the 2025 Engineering Bicycle & Pedestrian and Planning Adopted Capital Budgets by authorizing a net-neutral transfer of $5,560 existing General Obligation Borrowing authority from the Pheasant Branch Path project in District 9 to the Art Aggregated Fund. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/17/25)
- Board of Public Works (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86789 – This proposed resolution would authorize a two-year contract for marketing and advertising services of Monona Terrance Community and Convention Center in District 4. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86792 – This proposed resolution would recreate position 4092 from Librarian 2 to 1.0 FTE Maintenance Mechanic 2. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86805 – This proposed resolution would authorize the settlement and payment of a tax refund for tax years 2022 and 2023 of for SLJ-II LLC v. City of Madison. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86814 – This proposed resolution would authorize the vacation and discontinuance of approximately 14,239 sq. ft. of public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the replatting of a portion of excess right-of-way in Community Development Authority Redevelopment. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Board of Public Works (2/12/25)
- Plan Commission (2/3/25)
- Transportation Commission (2/5/25)
- Common Council Public Hearing (3/11/25)
86820 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract for Purchase of Services with OPN Architects, Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering consultant design services and construction administrative services for the design and construction of the Fire Station 6 facility located at the new development at South Park Street and West Badger Road in District 14. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86824 – This proposed resolution would amend the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Plan Commission (3/3/25)
- Urban Design Commission (2/5/25)
- Landmarks Commission (2/10/25)
- Common Council (3/11/25)
86826 – This proposed resolution would amend the Fire Department's 2025 Adopted Operating Budget to accept grant funds from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Management in the amount of $12,463.05 for the City of Madison Hazmat Regional Emergency Response/WHMRS Equipment Grant. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86827 – This proposed resolution would establish a Glass-Free Zone for the Mifflin Street area in District 4 from 6:00 a.m. on April 26, 2025, to 6:00 a.m. on April 27, 2025. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Public Safety Review Committee (2/12/25)
- Common Council (2/25/25)
86835 – This proposed resolution would authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe Routes to School Planning authorized for funding through the Wisconsin DOT Transportation Alternatives Program. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Transportation Commission (2/5/25)
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
86853 – This proposed resolution would authorize the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement with J & R Properties of Wisconsin LLC for the purchase of the property located at 1814 S. Park Street in District 14 for land banking purposes, and authorize the expenditure of funds for environmental assessment, title work, closing costs, holding costs, and demolition work for the same property. This proposed resolution will go to the following Boards, Committees, and Commissions on the following dates:
- Finance Committee (2/3/25)
- Common Council (2/11/25)
Providing Public Comment on Items:
If any of these items are of particular interest to you and you wish to register either in support or opposition to the item, you can do so on the meeting registration page. When you click on that link, you will see a drop-down for “Meeting,” where you select the BCC you wish to register for. It is important to note that registration is only available once the BCC has published its agenda, which is typically done a few days ahead of the meeting. Once the agenda is published, you can select the meeting and choose the agenda number that aligns with the file number of the item you are interested in. From here, you can choose to register support or oppose the agenda item, if you would like to speak, if you are representing an organization or person other than yourself, and provide your contact information. If you would like to provide written public comment on an item to your alder, find your alder here. If you would like to send your feedback on the item to all alders, write to allalders@cityofmadison.com