Snow Emergency Continues, Housing & Transportation Updates


Hi Everyone,

As you've likely heard, the snow emergency, first declared yesterday in response to a welcome return of real snow, continues. If you must park on the street tonight, be advised to do so on the EVEN side of the street. More snow is expected tomorrow, starting in the afternoon, so stand by for a possible continuation whereby alternate side parking restrictions would remain in effect. 

I know that many of you are reaching out and helping your neighbors, which is phenomenal. As I'm sure you're aware, one way of staying sane amid the chaos is keeping our hearts open to each other. 

Housing Update

As part of Madison’s ongoing efforts to create more housing of all types, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway earlier this week announced new housing goals, an interactive housing tracker for the public to monitor progress, and an update to her Housing Forward initiative to guide City actions over the next two years.

I have been a strong supporter of the Mayor's housing goals and have co-sponsored legislation in support of these goals since joining Council. I remain a strong advocate for more housing at all price levels, recognizing our high housing costs to be among our biggest challenges as a city. 

To learn more about the progress we've made in recent years as well as the important next steps the Mayor is proposing, please click here.

Transportation Update

Our very capable Transportation Director, Tom Lynch, is retiring. I first met Tom in the fall of 2018 at a Neighborhood Conference convened by then-Mayor Paul Soglin. Tom gave a presentation on BRT, and made the comment that Madison was at a crossroads, that we were precisely where Austin was some 15 years prior. This got my ear because I had traveled frequently to Austin for SXSW and was intimately familiar with the dispiriting amount of traffic congestion in that city. 

BRT, as you know, finally happened under our current Mayor, thanks in large part to Tom's leadership. At Tuesday's Council meeting, Tom gave a very informative presentation on the state of Madison's transportation system, including its history prior to the City's founding all the way to the present day. You may watch his delightful presentation here -- starting at the 23:10 minute mark

I wish Tom all the best in his retirement!

Take care and stay safe,


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Alder Tag Evers

Alder Tag Evers

District 13
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