March Service Changes

We have a handful of service changes that will go into effect with the March pick.

New Route 38 service to Monona

Metro's existing Route 38 will operate every other trip into Monona WEEKDAYs only from 7am - 7pm.

Trips heading to Monona will use Route C stops to travel from Jenifer and Ingersoll to Monona. A "38" will be added to the blue signs shortly.

Other Routes Serving Monona

Existing Metro Routes G and L will also serve new stops along Monona Dr.

New turn list books are available in Dispatch.

Paratransit Service

Full paratransit service will also be available in Monona on weekdays with most of Monona available for paratransit on weekends based on Routes G & L.

Other Service Changes

Starting Sunday, March 2, there will also be some adjustments on the following routes:

If you have any questions or need more information, please email

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