MFD on Scene of Bus vs. Building Crash

  • Location

    Milwaukee Street & Dempsey Road
    Madison, WI 53704
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Feb. 25, 2025 - 7:44pm
    Arrival: Feb. 25, 2025 - 7:53pm
  • Incident Type


43.0982065, -89.3175292

This map displays an approximate location.


As of 10:05 PM, eastbound Milwaukee Street has reopened to traffic. The Metro bus has been removed from the building, and the MFD Heavy Urban Rescue Team has shored up the building. MFD has cleared from the scene.  

--PIO Cynthia Schuster

Frontal view of the damage to bus
Heavy damage to the front of the business
The MFD Heavy Urban Rescue Team shores up the building
Closer view of the MFD HURT at work
Up close view of the MFD HURT securing a post


Incident Details

The Madison Fire Department, along with Madison Police, were dispatched to 1 Dempsey Road for reports that a Madison Metro bus crashed into a building at that location. MFD paramedics evaluated two people with injuries. One was transported to a local hospital and the other remained on scene.

The MFD Heavy Urban Rescue Team is on location to clear debris and shore up the building. The team will be working in close coordination with Schmidt's Towing to safely and methodically remove the bus from the structure while working to maintain the building's structural integrity. 

At this time, Milwaukee Street is open to traffic with reduced lanes. Milwaukee Street is expected to close down when crews begin the work of removing the bus from the building. 

Madison Police confirm this crash was the result of the bus driver being assaulted by a passenger.

This report will be updated as more information becomes available or as the incident progresses. 

Rear of bus as seen from Milwaukee Street
Front of bus inside building with debris around it
View of the building damage with bus still inside the front wall
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