Firefighters Rescue Ball-Chasing Dog Who Fell Through the Ice

  • Location

    800 block Spaight Street
    Madison, WI 53703
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Feb. 26, 2025 - 7:31pm
    Arrival: Feb. 26, 2025 - 7:35pm
  • Incident Type

    Animal Rescue

43.0777675, -89.3703413

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Engine 3, Medic 3, and the MFD Lake Rescue Team were dispatched to the area of BB Clarke Beach for a dog who fell through the ice on Lake Monona. 

The owner reported she had been throwing a ball with her dog when it skipped over the rocks and rolled out onto the ice. The dog instinctively followed the ball onto the ice but broke through.

Upon arrival, Engine 3 found the lab mix approximately 15-20 feet off the shoreline struggling in the water. A firefighter donning a dry suit entered the water and was able to rescue the dog. The dog was in good spirits after returning to land and reuniting with its owner. 

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