Sprinkler Extinguishes Kitchen Fire

  • Location

    7600 block Mid Town Road
    Madison, WI 53719
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Feb. 26, 2025 - 6:07pm
    Arrival: Feb. 26, 2025 - 6:12pm
  • Incident Type


43.0314939, -89.5187408

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

Ladder 7 responded for a fire alarm at an apartment complex on Mid Town Road. Residents were evacuating as firefighters arrived. The crew noted the sound of a water flow alarm and confirmed a sprinkler activation inside the building.

Ladder 7 made their way to a third-floor apartment, where an occupant advised “the fire is out.” Firefighters turned off the sprinkler system to stop the flow of water.

Residents reported they were frying food when one of them noticed a flame coming from the stove top. They splashed water onto the flames, which created a flash, and the automatic fire sprinkler head above the stove top activated.

Nobody was injured, but occupants are displaced. Two apartment units below the fire unit were also impacted. All occupants had renters’ insurance.

Safety Reminders

As demonstrated in this case, automatic fire sprinklers act quickly to contain and sometimes extinguish a fire. They are one of the best ways to protect your household from fire-related injury or death. Learn more about automatic fire sprinklers.

When cooking with grease or oil, traditional methods of placing water on a fire are not recommended. When water comes in contact with oil or grease, it can cause a fire to spread rather than extinguish.

If a fire ignites on your stove top, cover the pan with a lid or cookie sheet to snuff out the fire. Turn off your stove if it is safe to do so. 

If the fire has grown to a size where you cannot safely manage it on your own, evacuate your home (closing doors and windows behind you, if able), and immediately call 911.

Renters’ insurance provides a safety net for you and your family in the event you experience a fire or are affected by a fire in a neighboring unit. Most plans cost about $15-$20 per month. The Madison Fire Department encourages all renters to enroll in a renters’ insurance policy of their choice.

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