Pyramid Model Overview

Supporting the Pyramid Model: Effective Workforce |
The model is supported at the foundation by an effective workforce. The foundation for all of the practices in the Pyramid Model are the systems and policies necessary to ensure a workforce able to adopt and sustain these evidence-based practices. |
Tier 1: Universal Promotion |
Universal supports for all children through nurturing and responsive relationships and high quality environments. At the universal level we include the practices needed to ensure the promotion of the social development of all children.
Tier 2: Targeted Social Emotional Supports |
Prevention which represents practices that are targeted social emotional strategies to prevent problems. The prevention level includes the provision of targeted supports to children at risk of challenging behavior.
Tier 3: Intensive Interventions |
Intervention which is comprised of practices related to individualized intensive interventions. The tertiary level of the Pyramid Model describes the need to provide individualized and intensive interventions to the very small number of children with persistent challenges.
From: https://challengingbehavior.org/pyramid-model/overview/tiers/