D6 Items of Interest Week of March 10, 2025
postedAt Tuesday’s Council meeting are several D6 alcohol licenses for approval and for introduction; an amendment to the TID 36 project plan to pay for turf improvements at Breese Stevens; a proposal to reorganize and eliminate several city boards, committees and commissions; a proposal to change alder appointments to committees; and a proposal to modify the Police Civilian Oversight Board appointment process. For introduction and referral is the Block 113/Brayton Lot request for proposals. At the Board of Parks Commission on Wednesday is an informational presentation about installing decorative signage illustrating the role of Ed Jepsen in creating the Yahara River parkway path.
Also on Wednesday March 12, join me for an in-person meeting regarding the Atwood Music Hall at 6:30p at the Bur Oak 2262 Winnebago St hosted by Toffer Christensen, it is his required public information meeting before the ALRC meets on March 19.
Toffer Christensen proposes to open Atwood Music Hall, a theater and events space, at 1925 Winnebago Street. The venue would have a capacity of 400 seated or 700 standing room only. Operating hours would vary depending on the event or show taking place. On days when there is no event in the main events hall, the cocktail lounge would be open from 5pm-midnight. The venue will be leasing Trinity Lutheran Church’s two parking lots - one on Winnebago Street and another on N. First Street - to provide paid parking spots for over 100 cars at a time. Mr. Christensen has applied for a Class B Alcohol License and a Theater License (so that patrons of all ages may attend some designated shows). The Alcohol License Review Committee will consider his applications at its March 19 meeting.
Still waiting on final details for a virtual neighborhood meeting in late March to learn about revisions to the Salvation Army’s adopted plans for the family and single women’s shelter at 630 E Washington.
Join me on Thursday April 3 at 6:30p for a virtual neighborhood meeting to hear about Bear Development LLC’s proposal to redevelop the property at 501 E. Washington Avenue, formerly Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. Online registration info, will be sent separately, once available. The existing two-story building would demolished, and a new, seven-story multifamily building would be constructed. The new building would consist of 223 apartments, comprised of 12 studio, 184 one-bedroom and 27 two-bedroom units. Current parking plans would include 68 stalls in a lower-level garage.
Report a Problem: This is a great way to report non-emergency issues to City staff that covers most topics. If it is an emergency, please call 911.
Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found at the Meeting Schedule page.
Landmarks Commission meeting will take place on Monday, March 10, at 5p in a virtual format. Agenda items include
2. 87159 Approving a landmark nomination of the property located at 633 E Johnson Street as the Benjamin and Amy Butts House (District 6). The property at 633 E Johnson Street is proposed for landmark designation and includes a residential structure built in 1857, with additions in 1894, 1908, and 1942. The property is being designated for its associations with cultural and social history under Criterion A related to Madison’s African-American history, and under Criterion B for this property’s association with Benjamin and Amy Butts. The period of significance is 1892-1907, when the Butts family lived at this home.
3. 86668 2450 Atwood Ave - Addition to a Designated Madison Landmark, St. Bernard's Catholic Church (District 15). The proposed project is to construct an addition to the church, which would contain a crypt, in the area that is currently a courtyard between the church structure and the rectory. The church was constructed in 1926 and designed by JJ Flad in the Late Gothic Revival style and designated a landmark in 1981. The church is undergoing remodeling as part of its transition to serving as the cathedral for Madison. Last year the Landmarks Commission approved a reconfiguration of the parking lot and the construction of a porte cochere.
4. 87365 315 S Blount St - Exterior Alteration in the Third Lake Ridge Historic District - Signage (District 6). New sign for new business Saunaday at Williamson and Blount St.
5. 87103 124 E Gorham St - Land Combination and New Construction in the Mansion Hill Historic District (District 2). This is for informational, the developer, Bruce Bosben of Apex Real Estate Holdings LLC, would like to combine lots and add a residential building in front of a historic carriage house. Submittal and Staff Report
6. 64022 Landmarks Commission Annual Report
7. 86033 Secretary's Report - 2025 -New Demolition Process
8. 86034 Buildings Proposed for Demolition – 2025
Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m. in hybrid format. Agenda items include modifying the appointment process for the Police Civilian Oversight Board, establishing hearing procedures when a complaint is filed that seeks removal of an alder from the Common Council, and amending or repealing various Boards, Committees, and Commissions.
4. 87447 Presentation by Government Affairs Team: Briefing on State Legislative Affairs
6. 86937 Public Hearing - New License The Marquette Hotel LLC • dba The Marquette Hotel and Cafe 414 S Baldwin St • Agent: James Montgomery Estimated Capacity (in/out): 49/32 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 37% alcohol, 62% food Police Sector 408 (District 6)
RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT WITH CONDITIONS - PUBLIC HEARING The condition is: 1. The outdoor eating area shall not be used for food or beverage service, or outdoor activities after 9:30pm, seven days a week.
7. 86938 Public Hearing - New License The Green Room Public House LLC • dba The Green Room 2001 Atwood Ave • Agent: John Hardy Estimated Capacity (in/out): 60/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 80% alcohol, 20% food Police Sector 410 (District 6)
8. 86939 Public Hearing - New License Kleuter Master Tenant LLC • dba Hotel Indigo Madison - Palette Bar & Grill 901 E Washington Ave • Agent: Zacharie Gray Estimated Capacity (in/out): 145/60 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 36% alcohol, 64% food Police Sector 408 (District 6) RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT WITH CONDITIONS - PUBLIC HEARING The condition is: 1. Outdoor patio will close at midnight Sunday - Thursday and 1am Friday and Saturday.
16. 86989 Creating Section 28.022-00703 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 321 Russell Street from PD (Planned Development) District to TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District. (District 6) Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel. DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amendment rezones property located at 321 Russell Street from PD (Planned Development) District to TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District to correct a zoning map error.
36. 87209 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend and extend an existing competitively selected service contract with Mead and Hunt for architectural and engineering services for the Metro Transit Maintenance Facility (1 S Ingersoll St; formally 1101 E Washington Ave) Facility Upgrade, Phase 3B. (District 6) Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel
55. 86825 Amending Section 33.01(6) of the Madison General Ordinances related to Alder appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees to change the appointment terms. Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Yannette Figueroa Cole And Charles Myadze
56. 87044 Amending or repealing various sections in Chapters 8, 10 and 33 of the Madison General Ordinances related to reorganization of City Boards, Commissions and Committees. Sponsors: Yannette Figueroa Cole, Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Tag Evers, John P. Guequierre, Sabrina V. Madison, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, Bill Tishler And MGR Govindarajan. Committee Feedback and Public feedback
58. 87288 Creating Section 2.37 of the Madison General Ordinances Related to Removal Hearings to Prescribe Hearing Procedures to Consider Removal of Alders from the Common Council. Sponsors: Yannette Figueroa Cole And Jael Currie
61. 86995 Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #36 (Capitol Gateway), City of Madison (District 6, District 12). Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel
77. 86824 SUBSTITUTE - Amending the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee Sponsors: Juliana R. Bennett. RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT WITH THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS - REPORT OF OFFICER On a motion by Ald. Field, seconded by Ald. Duncan, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the Ald. Field-Proposed Substitute dated March 1, 2025. The motion to recommend approval of the substitute passed by voice vote/ other. Alder Field Proposed Substitute
78. 85327 Amending Section 5.20 of the Madison General Ordinances to modify the Police Civilian Oversight Board appointment process. Sponsors: Yannette Figueroa Cole.
RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO PLACE ON FILE WITHOUT PREJUDICE -REPORT OF OFFICER Police Civilian Oversight Board - Policy and Procedure Subcommittee recommended to place on file without prejudice by the following roll call vote: Ayes (4): Snyder, Rearick, Luisi-Mills, Calmese No (1): Nelson Abstain (1): Salgado Altamirano AGENDA NOTE: The recommendation from the lead sponsor and the PCOB Chair is to re-refer to Police Civilian Oversight Board (4/16/25), Common Council (7/1/25).
87. 87450 Amending various sections of Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances related to lodging to allow hotel and motel rentals of thirty days or more. Sponsors: Michael E. Verveer. Referred for Introduction Plan Commission (Public Hearing - 4/7/25), Common Council (4/15/25)
92. 87419 Approving the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of Block 113, located at 1 South Butler Street (the “Property”) and establishing a process for the review of responses to the RFP and selection of a development team for the Property. (District 6) Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Marsha A. Rummel And Michael E. Verveer. Referred for Introduction Finance Committee (3/17/25), Common Council (3/25/25)
99. 87451 Adopting the “2024 State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report” Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, MGR Govindarajan, Michael E. Verveer And Juliana R. Bennett. State Street Draft Report
102. 87473 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City, a 2025 $75,000 Employment Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) to support creating equitable outcomes for homeless and other marginalized adults in training and vocational support services; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Purchase of Services agreement with JustDane, Inc. to provide services to implement these goals through its Just Bakery program. (Citywide) Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel And Satya V. Rhodes-Conway. Referred for Introduction Finance Committee (3/17/25), Common Council (3/25/25)
105. 87483 Adopting the Updated Elected and Appointed Official Code of Ethical Conduct Sponsors: Nasra Wehelie, Bill Tishler And Marsha A. Rummel. Referred for Introduction Common Council Executive Committee (3/25/25), Common Council (3/25/25
106. 87484 Directing City staff to explore and study the possibility of providing early mediation between businesses. Sponsors: Marsha A. Rummel And Nasra Wehelie. Referred for Introduction Equal Opportunities Commission (3/13/25), Affirmative Action Commission (4/3/25), Common Council (4/15/25)
107. 87491 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Musonics L.L.C., d/b/a/ Cafe CODA for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12) Sponsors: Yannette Figueroa Cole And Charles Myadze. Referred for Introduction Finance Committee (3/17/25), Board of Park Commissioners (3/12/25), Common Council (3/25/25
109. 87478 Public Hearing - New License Atwood Music Hall LLC • dba Atwood Music Hall 1925 Winnebago St • Agent: Kristoffer Christensen Estimated Capacity (in/out): 700/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 90% alcohol, 10% food Police Sector 410 (District 6). Referred for Introduction Alcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (3/19/25), Common Council (4/15/25)
110. 87479 Public Hearing - New License Rotunda Cafe LLC • dba Rotunda Cafe 1965 Atwood Ave • Agent: Melissa Schoechert Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food Police Sector 410 (District 6). Referred for Introduction Alcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (3/19/25), Common Council (4/15/25)
- Meeting Details
- Board of Public Works: The Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 12, at 4:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include approving the stormwater Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System annual report to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
15. 87434 Approving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule of Assessments for John Nolen Drive Reconstruction Assessment District - 2025. (District 4, District 13)
The John Nolen Drive Reconstruction project will include full reconstruction of the causeway from E Lakeside St to S Broom St. The project will include reconstruction of the 6 roadway bridges and the addition of 3 new separated bike-ped bridges. The Capital City Trail will be reconstructed to include separate facilities for bikes and pedestrians, and the Lake Monona shoreline revetment will be reconstructed along the causeway. Urbanization of the corridor and improvements to the North Shore Dr and S Broom St intersections will be included. For replacement of the bridges, temporary closures of the three causeway channel crossings between Lake Monona and Monona Bay will be permitted (two max at a time) as part of the reconstruction project. The estimated cost of the project is $45,250,000.
- Meeting Details
- Board of Park Commissioners: The Board of Park Commissioners meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. in virtual format. Agenda items include approving a request from Big Top Events for a fireworks display on June 28, 2025, at Breese Stevens field and the March Superintendent’s Report
13 87379 Informational Presentation on the John Nolen Drive Engineering Project along the causeway. Tree Strategy informational
14 87378 Request for Approval of the proposed improvements associated with the John Nolen Drive Engineering Project within Law Park and Olin Park. (District 4, District 13)
16* 87253 Informational Report by Big Top Events Regarding the 2025 Fan Access Plan, Neighborhood Impact Plan, and Responsible Alcohol Consumption Action Plan at Breese Stevens Field. (District 6)
17 87326 Approving request from Big Top Events for a fireworks display on June 28, 2025 at Breese Stevens field. (District 6) RECOMMEND APPROVAL
25 87491 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Musonics , d/b/a/ Cafe CODA for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12)
29 87457 Informational Presentation from Staff Regarding Decorative Signage at Tenney Park Recognizing Ed Jepsen Way
In April 2022, the Board of Park Commissioners approved the renaming of the Yahara River Bike Path to “Ed Jepsen Way” in memory of Ed Jepsen. Ed Jepsen was a long-time advocate for the park system who also made a lasting impact in the Tenney Park and Yahara River Parkway area. The Friends of Yahara River Parkway have approached the Parks Division to consider decorative signage to be placed in Tenney Park. The project would be fully funded by the Friends and donated to the Parks Division. Staff will provide an informational presentation and gather feedback regarding proposed decorative signage at Tenney Park recognizing Ed Jepsen Way.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of a City board, commission, or committee, please visit the page linked here.
Public Information Meetings (PIM’s)
- High Point Road, South, Monday, March 10: The purpose of this project is to extend S High Point Road from Raymond Road to the Midpoint Meadows Plat limit. Proposed work will include pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk/path, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main and lighting. A public information meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., March 10, 2025, via Zoom. Registration prior is required.
- Pflaum Road, Wednesday, March 12: City Engineering plans to remove and replace the asphalt pavement and road base, replace sanitary sewer main and laterals, replace water main and laterals, replace storm sewer and private storm connections, and replace curb and gutter, sidewalk and drive aprons as needed. There is a public information meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m., March 12, 2025, via Zoom. Registration is required prior.
Announcements and News Releases
- Street Sweeping During the Overnight Hours Begins Sunday, March 9, 2025: Starting on the evening of Sunday, March 9, Streets Division sweepers will be on the roads working 16 hours a day to collect as much salt, sand, and other grit and grime as we possibly can. We will have one shift of operators sweeping from 10pm to… [posted March 7, 2025]
- Women in Construction Week 2025: Taletha Skar: A lot of jobs in construction are pretty visible: broken ground, dump trucks, concrete trucks, high visibility florescent yellow safety vests, and yes, even hard hats—hard hats of every color above ground. However, one of the most important pieces of infrastructure that keeps the entire City running and connected isn’t visible at all. [posted March 7, 2025]
- Announcing the 2025 Plow Names!: The votes are in. Madisonians, here are the names you selected for the snowplowing equipment. [posted March 6, 2025]
- Pick Up Free Seeds for Your Garden from Eight Madison Public Library Locations Beginning Today!: MADISON, WI -- Madison Public Library’s popular Garden Seed Giveaway(link is external) begins today on Thursday, March 6 at eight library locations. All libraries (with the exception of Central Library) will offer a variety of flower, herb, and produce seeds for visitors, free of charge. [posted March 6, 2025]
- Women in Construction Week 2025 Profile: Renee Callaway: Biking in Madison, Wis. is a big deal. The community of cyclists is big. The bike system to get around the City is big and connected. The excitement and appreciation is big. None of these facts are likely surprising to anyone who has spent time in the Madison area, especially Traffic Engineering Division Assistant Director Renee Callaway. [posted March 6, 2025]
- Women in Construction Week 2025: Molly Berkholtz : The smell of burning covers and hovers over a snowy Prairie Ridge Conservation Park on the City’s south side, near the Elver neighborhood. [posted March 5, 2025]
- Women in Construction Week 2025: Sarah Johns: With a couple twists of a wrench, Madison Water Utility Service Representative Sarah Johns loosens the bolts to a water meter. [posted March 4, 2025]
- Women in Construction Week 2025: Emma Almy: Sometimes the oldest and most complicated road projects in the City of Madison are paired with some of the most passionate, sharp and energized engineers eager to understand and help create solutions. [posted March 3, 2025]
- 2025 Spring Yard Waste Collection Schedule Now Available: The dates when you should set out yard waste to the curb for collection this spring is now available. The information is available on the Streets Division’s yard waste website. All residents in Madison have two-yard waste collections in the… [posted March 3, 2025]
Please visit the City news webpage to find additional news and announcements and to subscribe to receive notification of news releases as they are posted.
- Absentee Ballots are in the Mail, Tuesday, March 11: Absentee ballots for the April 1 Spring Election are in the mail. If you requested an absentee, you can track its status at My Vote Wisconsin.
- 2025 Spring Home Maintenance Workshop, Tuesday, March 11: This informative workshop will cover key topics such as seasonal inspections, energy efficiency improvements, outdoor upkeep, and preventative maintenance to help homeowners save money and avoid costly repairs. Industry experts, Project Home (Project Home | Project Home's mission is to improve the quality and affordability of housing.) and MG&E (Home - Madison Gas and Electric) will be on hand to share their expertise and answer questions, including offering solutions in regard to the annual winter moratorium, which prohibits all utility providers from disconnecting residential heating services for nonpayment, which will be ending April 15th, 2025.
- Voter Registration “Closes” Today, Wednesday, March 12: Today is the deadline for voter registrations submitted online (link is external)or through the mail for the Spring Election.
- Overdose Recognition and Response: A Toolkit for Overdose Prevention and Post-Care [Webinar], Wednesday, March 12: Join us for an engaging and free virtual training on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose.
- Lakeside Dance Lab: Beginner Irish Dance, Thursday, March 13: Kick off your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with a fun and energetic beginner Irish dance class! Whether you’re eager to try something new or simply get into the festive spirit, this class will introduce you to the basics of Irish dance. Perfect for those with little to no prior experience, it offers a welcoming environment to begin your dance journey.
Warner Family Fun Night, Friday, March 14: Join us at WPCRC for Warner Family Fun Night! Families can create art projects, play in the game room or the gym, watch a movie or win some prizes playing bingo!
Additional upcoming events can also be found on the City events calendar.