State Street Campus Garage Mixed Use Project

State Street Campus Garage (image from above) with red box around Lake Street side.

The original footprint of the 540 space State Street Campus garage, constructed in 1964, is located between N Lake St and Hawthorne Ct. In 1982, the 542 space addition at 430 N Frances Street was constructed.  

On December 27, 2023, the City of Madison closed the original Lake Street structure for redevelopment.  The Frances Street structure remains open to the public.


Current Progress 

Image updated December 26, 2024  

current progress of the State Street Campus Garage redesign.  Phase 1 nearing completion.

January 3, 2025, Update

Quarter 1 2025 Update
As of early January, 2025 the garage structural will be substantially complete.  The housing development partner will mobilize to site and start building above in January 2025.  The two contractors will share the site through the summer.  On-going work for Quarter 1 in the garage includes interior mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and masonry.

View past project updates »

Watch the full timelapse of construction progress

Visit the City of Madison Engineering's project page for additional project information and visit the State Street Campus Garage Mixed-Use Project Flickr page for photos of the progress.


Why is the garage being redeveloped?

The City of Madison is pursuing an exciting new development opportunity that would be a mixed-use project containing an intercity bus terminal, public parking structure, ground floor retail, and housing.

Why is this redevelopment happening now?

The original structure is approaching the end of its useful life and has become financially challenging for the City to continue to invest in its ongoing maintenance.

How long will this take?

The State Street Campus Garage Replacement began construction on January 4, 2024 and is anticipated to last approximately 18 months, with an additional 18 months for the private development phase of the project.

Who's impacted?

Anyone who is looking for parking in the downtown campus area, or attending events in the area. 

What if I need to visit downtown for a Kohl Center or campus event?

We encourage visitors to use the nearby Overture Center, State Street Capitol garage or other facilities in the area. 

Map of Madison isthmus showing City-owned parking facilities and routes to follow marked with blue, orange, green, gray and purple.

Downloadable Map

The Parking Division also shares up-to-the-minute parking availability at all City-owned facilities via the Real-time Parking Tracker

The University of Wisconsin campus also offers parking in a variety of facility and lot locations, visit UW Madison Parking Availability  for information. 

Public Involvement Meeting

Staff has reached out to the surrounding State Street community to discuss this project and potential impacts on the area.

Neighborhood Involvement
Virtual Meeting:
Occurred September, 14, 2022 
View the PowerPoint Presentation from this virtual meeting

Below: the mock-up showing the end result for the Lake Street site.

Image of the final mock-up for the mixed use side of the State Street Campus Garage

Additional Background Information

For additional background on the State Street Campus garage mixed-use project, including RFPs and presentations, visit the Department of Economic Development page regarding the State Street Campus Garage Mixed-Use Project

Related projects:
Hawthorne Court Road Reconstruction project

Lake Street sanitary improvements also occurred through a separate project to accommodate the new development.  

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