1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

General Parking Information

Do Not Park

General ...

  • On the terrace (the area between the sidewalk and the curb)
  • On a sidewalk or in a cross walk
  • Against traffic
  • In opposition of posted signs
  • At a yellow painted curb
  • On the street with expired registration, expired stickers or without displaying valid license plates 
  • On the street for more than 48 continuous hours

By The Numbers ...

  • Within 2 feet of another vehicle
  • Within 4 feet of a driveway or mailbox
  • More than 12 inches from the curb
  • Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
  • Within 15 feet of a crosswalk (marked or unmarked)
Image showing a number of legal parking distances from objects and places

Stop & Yield Signs: 

Do not park within 30 feet of a stop or yield sign.  This improves visibility of the sign, allows for better sight lines between pedestrians and vehicles approaching the intersection, and ensures that vehicles waiting at the stop sign can see oncoming traffic.

Traffic Signals:

Do not park within 30 feet of a traffic signal.  This improves the visibility of the signal, allows for better sight lines between pedestrians and vehicles approaching the intersection, and ensures that vehicles can see oncoming traffic.

Additional printable information:

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Report an Issue

Abandoned vehicles on street: (608) 266-4622

Parking complaints: (608) 266-4275

Broken meters: (608) 265-1877

Other issues: (608) 266-4622 

or parkingenforcement@cityofmadison.com