No Wait Inside
An online scheduling system for in-office appointments, "No Wait Inside", is available for public use. This program allows customers to schedule appointments for specific services.
Schedule a Counter Appointment
The Transportation Division, Traffic Engineering and Parking, is open and recommends appointments for all in-person services. Face coverings are encouraged, but not required for services in the office.
Schedule a General Counter Appointment
Schedule a Monthly Parking Permit appointment
Booking an Appointment
Use the scheduling tool above to book an appointment for a service at the counter.
- Some services require contact with staff, or completion of on-line applications, prior to coming in.
- Contractor Permits – for use on metered and non-metered streets
- Monthly Parking Permit – for City-owned garages and lots
- Motorcycle & Moped Annual Permit
- No Parking Signs – for metered and non-metered streets.
- Call to coordinate No Parking signs prior to scheduling an appointment.
- Meter Signs and Cloth Bags - Can accommodate oversized vehicles, moving trucks, etc. in metered areas.
- Call to coordinate meter signs prior to scheduling an appointment.
- Sign or cloth bag determination will be provided by staff.
- Street Occupancy Permit - storage containers & detached trailers
- Street Occupancy Permit – construction & dumpsters (Traffic Engineering)
- Residential Parking Permit Program - appointments to pick-up the upcoming year permit can be made once you receive the "permit is ready" email.
Additional Information:
- Appointments blocks are pre-determined for each service and will automatically populate. You will have to book a separate appointment for each service requested.
- Be on time. We will not hold late appointments. If you arrive early, please wait outside.
- Come to your appointment with completed paperwork. Use the list below to make sure you are prepared for your scheduled time and bring everything you need.
If you do not see a selection for your desired appointment in the scheduler, call 608-266-4761 to speak with staff.