Bird & Nature Adventures | Cherokee Marsh, North

  • Date

    Sunday, September 1, 2024

    1:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Location

    • Cherokee Marsh - North Unit
      6098 North Sherman Avenue
      Madison, WI 53704

Event Description

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Ecotones - Habitat Edges ~ Join Master Naturalist Alex Singer for a guided tour or take a walk on your own any day in September to explore and learn about ecotones, places where different habitats meet such as lower and higher mountain elevations and the borders between marshes and woodlands.  These transitions between habitats contribute to biodiversity. Adapting to varied altitudes, geology and other natural conditions within a short distance causes living things to diversify physically while providing them the things they need to live. Some creatures need an area with a combination of habitats such as ducks that like open water and shallow ponds and also need bordering marshes and uplands to nest. 

Cherokee Marsh is Madison’s largest conservation park with three units - North, South, and Mendota. Each month, year-round we explore the north unit's beautiful trails through the woodlands, wetlands, and restored prairies along the Yahara ‘Catfish’ River. Co-sponsored by Madison Parks, Friends of Cherokee Marsh , Sierra Club and Madison Audubon Society . Follow North Sherman Ave. to the parking lot at the end of the gravel entrance road. Free, family-friendly guided nature walks at Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park – North are held on the 1st Sunday of each month, year-round 1:30-3pm. No registration is required. No pets are allowed.

See Bird & Nature Adventures for other free nature events

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