Bird & Nature Adventures | Starkweather Creek Area
Event Description

Starkweather Creek Cleanup ~ Join Kacy Zander and the Friends of Starkweather Creek for a walk and creek cleanup. Meet at the Olbrich Park canoe/kayak boat launch, 3402 Atwood Ave., by the softball fields. Bring your own canoe or kayak, vest and paddles if you have them. Or just grab a garbage bag and pick up litter on your own along Starkweather Creek any day in April to help beautify this incredible natural area in the middle of the east side of Madison!
Outings in the Starkweather Creek area vary each month - be sure to check the starting location. Adventures typically at 10:00am on the 3rd Saturday of the month, year-round, and frequently start at the Goodman Community Center, unless noted otherwise. Outings include nature walks, canoe/kayak adventures, bicycling tours, and more, and are sponsored by the Madison Friends of Urban Nature, Goodman Community Center, and the Friends of Starkweather Creek. No registration is required. Pets are not allowed.
For more nature events, check out Bird & Nature Adventures.