2022 Sport Court Resurfacings
Project Details
Project Information
Each year, the City of Madison Parks Division bids a maintenance contract through Public Works for crack filling, resurfacing and re-striping of color sport courts (basketball, pickleball, tennis) at various locations throughout the parks system.

In 2022, this work will be performed at the following locations:
- Allied Park basketball court - completed on 6/3
- Elver Park basketball courts (2) - completed 6/17
- James Madison Park basketball courts (2) - completed 6/27
- Olbrich Park basketball courts (2) and adding pickleball stripes to Olbrich Park tennis courts - completed week of 7/25
- Reindahl Park - south set of courts received dual-striping for pickleball under a Change Order to this contract
- Tenney Park tennis courts (will also receive pickleball striping) - completed on 5/31
- Westmorland Park tennis courts (will also receive pickleball striping and Sport Court tile system) - maintenance work completed week of 7/22
- Wexford Park tennis courts (will also receive pickleball striping) - completed 7/8/22
Sport court resurfacing work requires mean daytime and overnight temperatures of at least 55 degrees plus extended periods of dry weather - so while a contract for this year's work has been awarded to Poblocki Paving Corporation, scheduling the specific locations will occur throughout the contract time period and may be delayed or slowed by inclement weather. Parks staff will work to post notice of anticipated court closures at the various sites as the contract progresses.
Updates on this project will be posted to this site as they become available. If you have any questions about the project, please contact Kate Kane at kkane@cityofmadison.com or (608) 261-9671