1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Acacia Ridge Park Master Plan

Project Details

  • Location

    • 9251 Watts Rd
      Madison, WI 53539
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 1

Project Information


The City of Madison Parks Division is undertaking a master planning effort for three of our far west undeveloped parks; they are Acacia Ridge, Acer, and Birchwood South Parks. These undeveloped parcels need input from the surrounding (and rapidly growing) neighborhood regarding the specific amenities to be located in these parks and in the far west planning area as a whole. It is the intention of the Parks Division that the area's parks and amenities act as a cohesive system in order to maximize recreational potential.

Acacia Ridge is the largest, totaling 10.21 acres, and was acquired by the Parks Division in 2019. Acer Park was acquired at an earlier date, 2014, and measures 8.01 acres. The smallest parcel at 5.52 acres, Birchwood South was acquired in 2018.Parks staff will hold public input meetings and issue an online survey to gather input from the community on the future of the parks. Once the Master Plans have been developed with input from the neighborhood, the plans will go to the Board of Park Commissioners for approval.

The Final Master Plan for Acacia Ridge Park was presented at the Board of Park Commissioners at its January 11, 2023 meeting and was approved for adoption during the session.

Public Meeting #2

August 11, 2022
Virtual Meeting

Staff presented online survey results and other feedback received and the revised park master plan options. 

Materials from this session can be found at the links, below. 

Community Survey

As part of the master planning process, Parks issued a community survey to residents which closed on 7/22/22. We will are still welcoming public input, comments, and ideas; however the survey is closed. The results of the survey will be posted below.

Public Meeting #1

June 23, 2022
Virtual Meeting

Parks staff held a first public meeting on June 23, 2022 to discuss the Acacia Ridge Park Master Plan.  At the session, attendees reviewed opportunities at the new park site and discussed their preferences and priorities for items to include in the park.

Materials from this session can be found at the links, below. 

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