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    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Aldo Leopold Park Pump Track

June 27, 2024 Update

Update Summer 2024

The "infield" of the pump track was originally seeded in a sod fescue grass in 2021.  Due to heavy use, lack of rain, and steep slopes the sod was failing and becoming a maintenance issue.  

Madison Parks installed a new wax polymer infused gravel product on the pump track.  This product is durable and flexible but takes time for the wax component to cure.  Please stay off the the infield when possible in order to give us the best possible outcome.  Until the product if fully cured some small stones and gravel may shift and remain loose.  Use caution around any loose gravel and push it back into the center of the track if needed. 

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 2906 Traceway Dr
      madison, WI 53713
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact


Project Information

2022 Project Update:

This project is substantially complete.  Crews from American Ramp Company will continue to monitor the sod and grass on site to ensure it becomes established.  Parks asks that people stay off of the newly seeded grass areas.  The track is currently open for use, enjoy!

The 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan calls for the developments of additional off road bike amenities throughout the Parks system.  In 2020 Parks completed the Madison Bicycle Adventure Trail (MadBAT) planning project which systematically identified locations throughout the city where bike amenities could be placed in such a way to most effectively benefit the community.  Aldo Leopold Park became a priority site for off road bike facilities due to the long standing desire of the neighborhood and Leopold School for additional recreational amenities at or near the park.  Many children and residents in the neighborhood have bikes but often search for safe and fun places to ride. Pump tracks allow for use by every skill level of rider and help develop the most basic skills needed to ride a bike.  They build riding experience and skill while providing a fun and rewarding experience for the user. As riders develop skills they can find more advanced lines and ride features differently to create an even more rewarding experience.

Public Engagement

Parks Division held a Public Informational Meeting on the project on March 18th, 2021 at 5:30pm via Zoom.  This meeting was recorded and the recording may be viewed at the following link:

If you were unable to attend the meeting or still have additional questions or comments you may contact Parks.  Please send questions or comments to:

Corey Stelljes
Project Engineer
(608) 266-6518

La División de Parques planea instalar una pista de bombeo de asfalto en el Parque Aldo Leopold en 2021. El Plan de Parques y Espacios Abiertos 2018-2023 exige el desarrollo de servicios adicionales para bicicletas todo terreno en todo el sistema de Parques. En 2020, Parks completó el proyecto de planificación Madison Bicycle Adventure Trail (MadBAT) que identificó sistemáticamente lugares en toda la ciudad donde los espacios para bicicletas podrían ubicarse de tal manera que beneficiaran de manera más efectiva a la comunidad.

Leopold Park se convirtió en un sitio prioritario para las instalaciones para bicicletas todo terreno debido al deseo de larga data del vecindario y de la Escuela Comunitaria Primaria Aldo Leopold de contar con espacios recreativos adicionales en o cerca del parque. Muchos niños(as) y residentes del vecindario tienen bicicletas, pero a menudo buscan lugares seguros y divertidos para usarlas. Las pistas de bombeo permiten el uso de todos los niveles de habilidad del ciclista y ayudan a desarrollar las habilidades más básicas necesarias para andar en bicicleta. Desarrollan experiencia y habilidad en la conducción al tiempo que brindan una experiencia divertida y gratificante para el usuario. A medida que los ciclistas desarrollan habilidades, pueden encontrar pistas más avanzadas que requieren otros niveles de habilidad para crear una experiencia aún más gratificante.

El proyecto propuesto crearía una pista de bombeo de asfalto de aproximadamente 7000 pies cuadrados cerca del refugio en Aldo Leopold Park. A continuación se muestra un diagrama conceptual de la ubicación del proyecto. La División de Parques tiene la intención de contratar a un contratista especializado para construir la vía de la bomba en algún momento durante 2021. El cronograma exacto estará sujeto a una oferta exitosa y la disponibilidad del contratista. La división de Parques tiene la intención de contratar a un contratista y programar el trabajo para comenzar el 24 de mayo.

La División de Parques llevará a cabo una reunión de información pública sobre el proyecto el 18 de marzo a las 5:30 pm. La reunión tendrá una duración aproximada de 1 hora. El personal de parques hará una breve presentación sobre el proyecto y luego responderá preguntas y comentarios. La reunión se llevará a cabo a través de Zoom.

* Esta reunión se llevará a cabo tanto en inglés como en español. Habrá presentadores que se comunicarán en ambos idiomas.


Completed Pump Track In Action
Complete Pump Track
The skills loop contains an optional wall ride feature
Wooden boardwalks under construction on skills loop


Plans and Details


Aldo Leopold Park - Proposed Pump Track Location


Typical Pump Track Features and Construction


Project Updates

June 27, 2024 Update

Update Summer 2024

The "infield" of the pump track was originally seeded in a sod fescue grass in 2021.  Due to heavy use, lack of rain, and steep slopes the sod was failing and becoming a maintenance issue.  

Madison Parks installed a new wax polymer infused gravel product on the pump track.  This product is durable and flexible but takes time for the wax component to cure.  Please stay off the the infield when possible in order to give us the best possible outcome.  Until the product if fully cured some small stones and gravel may shift and remain loose.  Use caution around any loose gravel and push it back into the center of the track if needed. 

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