Eagle Trace Park Master Plan
Project Details
Project Information
The City will be constructing improvements to Eagle Trace Park as part of the adopted master plan. The status of these improvements will be updated on the Eagle Trace Park Master Plan improvements projects website.
In 2018, 9.37 acres of public parkland were dedicated to the City of Madison as part of the Eagle Trace development. This undeveloped parcel is now called Eagle Trace Park.
The Eagle Trace Master Plan was approved by the Board of Park Commissioners on June 12, 2019. The park master planning process follows the City of Madison Master Plan Policy.
Parks staff held two public input meetings and issued an online community survey to gather input from the community on the Eagle Trace Park master plan. Below is information from the input meetings and online community survey.
Public Meeting #1
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Blackhawk Church, Room 201
9620 Brader Way
- Staff presentation on existing conditions, future development, and influencing factors.
- Design Eagle Trace Park Exercise: Community members worked in groups to create their own designs for Eagle Trace Park.
- Table One Design: play area, sand volleyball, full court basketball court, tennis and pickleball courts, youth soccer, 2 sun shelters
- Table Two Design: play area, sand volleyball, half court basketball, open play field for soccer and lacrosse, tennis courts, community gardens, sun shelter.
Online Community Survey
As part of the master planning process, Parks issued a community survey to residents. Paper copies were mailed to residents within a 1/4 mile radius of the park and an online version was made available. Below are the results of the survey.
Public Input Meeting #2
Monday, May 20, 2019
Blackhawk Church, Room 201
9620 Brader Way
- Staff presentation on previous meeting input, online survey input, park master plan options, and playground designs. Results of iClicker voting are incorporated into presentation.
- Meeting Results:
- Master Plan: Meeting attendees preferred master plan concept option one with modifications. The neighborhood likes the 2 flat open areas, a playground, and sun shelter. Meeting attendees unanimously liked concept one when the mountain bike trail was replaced with a hiking trail. Meeting attendees also requested both a sand volleyball court and basketball court, as well as a place to play cricket. Staff is reviewing the design to incorporate requests from this meeting.
- Playground: Meeting attendees reviewed two options for playground designs which are included in the staff presentation. Meeting attendees selected option two, with engineering wood fiber mulch, and a natural color scheme.
Installation of improvements identified in the park master plan will be incorporated into the City's Capital Improvement Plan as part of the annual budgeting process. The Capital Budget is approved in November of each year. There is no definitive date regarding the proposed improvements for this project, however staff is working to program park development of Eagle Trace as part of the Capital Budget Process. Rough grading for this project may happen in late 2019 to early 2020 in coordination with the developer. It is likely that turf for field sports will not be established in the fall of 2019 for the work being implemented by Veridian.