Madison Senior Center Courtyard
Project Details
Project Information
The Madison Senior Center courtyard was transfer to the Parks Division as a public park and required renovation. Parks held a series of public outreach sessions to gather community input on the desired amenities for the space. Information on the previously held meetings and courtyard reconstruction are provided below.
Latest Update:
Project Construction
The Public Works Contract was awarded to Drax, Inc. in May 2023, with construction beginning in mid-June, 2023. Construction completion occurred in the first quarter of 2024, and the new park is now open for public use. Madison Parks greatly appreciates the advocacy and support of area residents and park users. We hope everyone enjoys this new addition to the parks system.
Public Works Bidding
The Madison Senior Center Courtyard reconstruction was released for public bids on February 9 (Contract 9249). Contractor bids were due March 9, and only one bid was received. Madison Parks rebid the project to encourage more contractors to consider the project (Contract 9313). Two contractor bids were received on April 20, 2023. Pending the successful award of the public works contract, the courtyard construction project will begin in June, with substantial completion in December 2023.
PD Zoning Amendment
The City of Madison Parks Division received approval for a Major Amendment to an Approved Planned Development for the Madison Senior Center Courtyard Renovation Project. The amendment revises courtyard uses to those consistent with Parks and Recreation (PR) Zoning.
Urban Design Commission Review
The Madison Senior Center Courtyard project received initial and final Urban Design Commission approval on October 26, 2023. The approved design is based on public input received through five community input meetings and two online surveys:
Madison Senior Center Courtyard UDC submittal
Community Meeting on 9/20/22
Madison Parks held an in-person public meeting at the Madison Senior Center to review design refinements to the selected courtyard concept.
Madison Senior Center Courtyard Presentation
Urban Design Commission Review
The proposed courtyard design was revised based on community input and reviewed by the Urban Design Commission on August 17, 2022, @ 4:30 pm.
Madison Senior Center Courtyard UDC submittal
The presentation was for informational purposes and the Commission did not take action on the proposed design.
Community Engagement Meetings
The City of Madison Parks Division held two public outreach sessions, one virtual, and one in-person, to gather community input on two concepts for the Madison Senior Center Courtyard renovation.
Online Meeting: Thursday, June 23, 2022, @ 6:30 pm.
In-person Meeting: Monday, June 27, 2022, @ 2:00 pm.
Location: Madison Senior Center, 330 W. Mifflin Street
The presented options:
Parks staff and the design team are compiling the comments received during the meetings and from the online survey. Based on community input, Parks will present the preferred option (with potential refinements) to the Urban Design Commission.
Online Survey 2
The project design team developed two concept options based on the community input received during the initial outreach sessions. Parks posted a second survey to gather public input on the design options. The survey closed on July 10, 2022. Parks staff and the design team are compiling the survey results and community meeting input.
Community Meeting 1
The Parks Division, with Saiki Design, held an online project kick-off meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2022, @ 6:30 pm. The project team reviewed existing plaza conditions and gathered input from area residents and park users on potential improvements.
Stakeholder Group Meeting 1
The Parks Division, with Saiki Design, held an in-person stakeholder group meeting at Capitol Centre Court Apartments on Thursday, May 5, 2022, @ 1:00 pm. The project team reviewed existing plaza conditions and gathered input from residents and park users on potential improvements.
- Madison Senior Center Courtyard Stakeholder Group Meeting #1 Presentation
- Madison Senior Center Courtyard Stakeholder Group Meeting #1 Notes
If you were unable to attend the scheduled meetings and would like to comment on the project, please contact Mike Sturm at (608) 267-4921 or msturm@cityofmadison.com.
Online survey
An initial online survey to gather community input before the schematic design was open from April 25 to May 20, 2022. The design team will use the results of the survey and meeting feedback to prepare courtyard options for review by area residents and courtyard users.
Madison Senior Center Survey 1 Results
The project team shared the survey results at the second public meeting for the project.
Existing Tree Health Report
In 2020, the Parks Division hired an independent assessment and review of the existing courtyard trees. The report was completed by a certified arborist and will inform future improvements to the courtyard.
Madison Senior Center Tree Health Report
Design Consultant Team
Update 3/28/22
The Parks Division hired a multi-disciplinary consultant team to lead the public engagement and redesign of the Madison Senior Center Courtyard. The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the consultant contract that included a description of the scope of services, including community engagement, design development, construction documents, public works bidding, and construction observation. The received proposals were reviewed and scored by an evaluation panel, and Saiki Design was selected to lead the project (file#69296).
Please contact Mike Sturm at (608) 267-4921 or msturm@cityofmadison.com. with questions regarding the courtyard project.