Nautilus Park Playground

Project Details

  • Location

    • 321 Nautilus Dr.
      Madison, WI 53705
  • Status

    In Design
  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 19

Project Information

*This project is currently scheduled for construction in 2025.


The Parks Division maintains a replacement schedule for all of the city’s playgrounds and the playground at Nautilus Point Park has been identified for replacement in 2023. The typical lifespan of post and platform playground equipment is 20-30 years. With the somewhat recent expansion of stormwater management facilities in Nautilus Point Park, Parks has determined this playground location will not be replaced with typical post and platform playground equipment due to space constraints. Instead, we are proposing to replace it with a small nature play area and walking path, including typical bench seating and “porch swing” type seating.

Public Input

Residents are encouraged to contact the project manager, Adam Kaniewski, with any questions, concerns, or input about the project.

Project Plan

The existing playground will be removed. A new small nature play area will be installed along with a loop walking path from the Nautilus Dr. sidewalk. Also included will be benches for seating.
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