North Star Park Master Plan Amendment
Project Details
Project Information
New Master Plan Designs Have Been Chosen for North Star Park Expansion!
The North Star Park Master Plan Amendment was adopted by the Board of Park Commissioners meeting on July 11, 2018.
In 2014, North Star Park expanded by 4.7 acres. This new property was dedicated to the City of Madison as part of the North Addition to Grandview Commons development. The master planning process for this expanded property began in 2017, following the City of Madison Master Plan Policy Parks staff held two public input meetings and issued an online survey to gather input from the community on the future of the Parks.
Meetings and materials that informed development of the master plan for North Star Park expansion can be found below.
Public Input Meeting One
Monday, December 4, 2017
Parks staff held a public meeting on Public Input Meeting on December 4th to discuss the Camar Park and North Star Park Expansion Master Plan. At the session, attendees reviewed opportunities at each of the new park sites, answered questions regarding their preferences and priorities for items to include in the parks and worked as groups to place amenities on a scaled plan for the sites.
Materials from this session can be found at the links, below.
Public Meeting Two
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
North Star Park Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting
City staff held a second and final public input meeting for the North Star Expansion Master Plan as part of the North Star Park Neighborhood Association's annual meeting.
At the meeting, attendees were able to vote from between two design options and the North Star Park Expansion.
Materials from the second meeting held on 4/11/2018 are available, below, and materials from the first session and follow-up survey can be found by scrolling down this page.
- Meeting 2 Agenda
- Meeting 2 Presentation
- Option A_North Star Park Expansion - OPTION MOVING FORWARD TO BPC
- Option B_North Star Park Expansion
As part of the master planning process, Parks issued an online and hardcopy survey to residents within a 1/2 mile radius of the park in early January 2018. Below are the results of the online and hardcopy survey.