Olbrich Park - North Parcel Park Development Plan
May 9, 2024 Update
The Olbrich Park - North Parcel Park Development Plan was approved by the Board of Park Commissioners on May 8, 2024. Thank you to all who provided input during the planning process!
This project page will soon move to the "completed" section of the Parks Projects website. A new project page will be created for phase 1 of construction of Olbrich Park - North Parcel.
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Project Information
Madison Parks is creating a Park Development Plan for the parkland north of Garver Feed Mill, referred to as Olbrich Park - North Parcel.
What is a Park Development Plan?
- A planning document that provides a framework for future development and improvements.
- Establishes the general location recommendations for desired amenities and resource protection.
- The identified improvements are often implemented in phases, with each phase requiring further design development and public engagement before construction.
Draft Park Development Plan
Public Engagement Opportunities
Public Input Meeting #2
Thursday, February 29 at 6:00pm-7:30pm via Zoom
Public Input Meeting #1
Thursday, December 7 at 6:00pm-7:30pm via Zoom
Public Survey
Thank you for taking the survey! We received 2,197 responses!
The public survey was open from November 2 - November 26, 2023.
Project Timeline
- Winter 2023-2024: Park Development Plan process
- Spring 2024: Park Development Plan approval by the Board of Park Commissioners
- Summer 2024: Development of construction plans for phase 1 of park development
- Fall and Winter 2024-2025: Phase 1 construction project bidding and contract award
- Spring 2025: Start of phase 1 construction