Orchard Ridge Park Path and Grading
Project Details
Project Information
Parks Division will be installing a new asphalt path in Orchard Ridge Park in 2021. This plan was identified with the 2020 master planning project for the park and is the first phase of implementation.
The existing playground equipment will be removed as part of a separate project in 2021. This work must be complete before the path and grading project can begin.
The path and grading project will install a new 8' wide asphalt path in the park outlined in on the figure below. It will create a loop within the park and include connections to both the existing path from Whitcomb Dr and Loruth Terrace. Grading will occur to create a new rain garden, swale, and berm on the south side of the park. This will intercept stormwater as it enters the park from the south and allow it to infiltrate on site. The rain garden will discharge to the existing storm sewer inlet. A berm will be constructed on the north side of the rain garden to further channel water and keep the main section of the park dry and usable.
This project is currently under design by Parks staff. It is anticipated construction will begin in the second half of 2021 and be complete by Nov 1st.